
Wealth raises some men though they be vile,

ويرفع المال أقواما وإن خملوا

1. Wealth raises some men though they be vile,
And poverty brings others low though they be noble.

١. ويرفع المال أقواماً وإن خملوا
ويرزأ الفقر أقواماً وإن كرموا

2. I have seen a man whom when I saw him,
He left his inheritance for people and took the frivolous.

٢. وقد رأيت رجالا إذ رأيتهم
خلوا مواريثهم للناس وآخترموا

3. They were not praised for what they left behind,
And they gained by it only what they committed of sins.

٣. لم يحمدوا بالذي خلوا وراءهم
ولم يحوزوا به إلا الذي اجترموا

4. Umar, the most right of all people
To visit the leader of the nation, the Wise,

٤. عمار إن أحق الناس كلهم
بأن نزور إمام الأمة الحكم

5. The giver of thousands and the fearer of his might,
The decisive in authority when nations betrayed,

٥. الواهب الألف والمخشي صولته
والمحكم العقد لما خانت الأمم

6. The leader of horses towards the march adorned,
Dishevelled, with froth dripping from their bridles.

٦. والقائد الخيل نحو الثغر معلمة
شعثاً تصلصل في أفواهها اللجم