1. O you whose system the stars envy
So the envious would ransom the envied
١. يا مَن يَعِزُّ على النُّجومِ نظامُهُ
حَسَداً فَيفدِي الحاسِدُ المحسودا
2. You have adorned the planets with the planets, an ornament
And guidance and illumination and fortune
٢. رُعتَ الكواكَبَ بالكواكبِ زِينَةً
وهدايَةً وإنارَةً وسُعودا
3. Your inheritance of time congratulates you, for by
Its survival, you inherit time eternally
٣. يَهنيكَ ميراثُ الزَّمانِ فإنَّهُ
ببقائِهِ تَرِثُ الزَّمانَ خُلودا
4. Have the maidens robbed you of their beauty so you
Unveiled it to beholders, cheeks
٤. أَم أنهَبَتكَ بهِ العَذارى حُسنَها
فجلوتَهُ للناظرينَ خُدودا
5. Or did you know my solace so you sent it
A dwelling for the days of love returning
٥. أمَ كُنتَ تعلَمُ سَلوَتي فبعثتَهُ
سَكَناً لأَيّام الغَرام مُعيدا
6. Or was it in your possession that I had a glob
So you shook from it to the roses, coolness
٦. أَم كانَ عندك أنّ عِندِيَ غُلَّةً
فَرفَفتَ منهُ ألى الوُرودِ برودا
7. Or did you want honor for my life after it
So you made it and merit grow up festive
٧. أم شئت تشريفاً لعُمري بَعدَهُ
فجعلتَهُ والفضلَ ينشأُ عِيدا
8. Who do I have to oblige the noble one, for I
Was obliged far-fetched in verse
٨. مَن لي بتكليفِ الشَّريف فإنَّني
كُلّفتُ شأواً في القَريضِ بَعيدا
9. After I relieved my thoughts of it
And mounted from my thinking to it, sitting
٩. من بعد ما أَعفَيتُ منهُ خَواطري
وركِبتُ من فكري إليهِ قعودا
10. And I spread from the origin of old age turbans
And folded from the virginity of youth, coolness
١٠. ونشَرتُ من أُصُلِ المشيب عَمائِماً
وَطَوَيتُ من بُكَرِ الشبابِ بُرودا
11. Who can contend with him, aged in eloquence
The best eloquence is that which is aged
١١. مَن ذا يُساجِلُه تليدَ بَلاغَةٍ
خيرُ البَلاغةِ ما يكونُ تَليدا
12. Flowing from the water of rhetoric, it pours him
And the Arabs had dried and kindled firewood
١٢. ريَّانُ من ماءِ البَيانِ يَمُجُّهُ
والعُربُ قد جَفَّت وحَفَّتِ عُودا
13. He composed the caliphate in the way of his rhetoric
Strung just as Al-Hissan composed unmatched
١٣. نَظَمَ الخلافَةَ في طريقِ بيانِهِ
سَرداً كما نَظَمَ الحِسَانُ فَريدا
14. And he borrowed in it every past for the transient
It did not harm him that it would not be iron
١٤. واستلَّ فيه كُلَّ ماضٍ لَهذَمٍ
ما ضَرَّه أَلَّا يكونَ حَديدا
15. From everyone who is needless of the eloquence of his tongue
Of the eloquence of every Westerner, stripping
١٥. مِن كلِّ مَن يَغنَى بَغربِ لِسانِهِ
عَنِ غَربِ كُلِّ مهنَّدٍ تَجريدا
16. A people who have the wording of speech and wisdom
Tied to the neck of time, knots
١٦. قومٌ لهم فَصلُ الخِطابِ وحِكمةٌ
نيطت عَلى نَحرِ الزَّمانِ عُقودا
17. Arrogant over the angels, if he wills
Competing with them, the multitudinous stars
١٧. مُثرٍ منَ الأَملاكِ فَخراً إن يَشَأ
ضَاهي بهم شُهبَ السَّماء عَديدا
18. A lineage as if the light of the morning sun
Were upon it, and from the horizon daylight pillars
١٨. نَسَبٌ كأنَّ عليهِ مِن شمس الضُّحى
نوراً ومن فَلَقِ الصَّباحِ عَمُودا
19. O you who quenched me from the prose of his ancestors
Diverting, and his poetry sang twittering
١٩. يا مَن سَقاني من سلافَه نَثرِهِ
صِرفاً وغَنَّى شِعرُهُ تَغريدا
20. And he borrowed for me the era of spring, so I sensed it
In its covering, the smooth silk, renewed
٢٠. واستلَّ لي عَهدَ الرَّبيعِ فشِمتُهُ
في طِرسِهِ غضَّ الفِرَندِ جَديدا
21. Whatever meaning you polished, its light
Was clad in gilding and embodiment
٢١. ما شئتَ من معنىً صقيلٍ نورُه
قد أُلبسَ التَّذهيبَ وَالتَّجسيدا
22. The ink splits from it shining light
Like a star flashed in the darkness, excellent
٢٢. ينشقُّ عنه الحِبرُ نُوراً ساطعاً
كالنَّجمَ أَتلَعَ في الدُّجُنَّة جيدا
23. The heart clung to it as if its ink
Had spent the night in sheer blackness, outstretched
٢٣. عَلِقَ الفَؤادُ بهِ كأنَّ مِدادَهُ
أَمسى بمحض سَوادِهِ مَمدودا
24. And as if the two racehorses were its fusion
Or competed with the dream, the slumbering young women
٢٤. وكأَنَّما الخِيلانُ كانَت ذَوبَهُ
أو نازَعَ الحَلَمَ العَذارى الغيدا
25. Or musk had dragged in it the surplus of its scent
Leaving in its lines, black figures
٢٥. أو جَرَّ فيه المسكُ فضلَ ذُؤابَةٍ
تَرَكت بأسطُرِهِ رُسوماً سُودا