1. I complain to you of one who is absent, who does not come forward,
And of a youthfulness that does not cease being remembered,
١. أَشكُو إليكَ بغائبٍ لا يقدَمُ
وصَبابَةٍ من ذِكرِه لا تُعدَمُ
2. Bound to fulfill a promised visit,
Without which the way to remoteness is obscure,
٢. كَلِفٍ بمطل زيارةٍ موقوتةٍ
من دُونها للبُعد بابٌ مُبهَمُ
3. Set his riding beast free and leave it be,
And ignore the evil that you imagine,
٣. أَطلق مطيَّتَهُ وخَلِّ سَبيلَهُ
ودَعِ الوُشاةَ لِسُوءِ ما تتوهّمُ
4. That I deviate from the highborn while you are from
A noble people who are the main concern,
٤. أَنّي تحيدُ عن العَلاء وأَنت مِن
شَرفٍ من القَوم الذين همُ همُ
5. And I, if you wished to describe my affection,
Would not come up with that which you do not know,
٥. وأَنا الذي إن شئتَ وصفَ مودَّتي
لم آتِ منها بالّذي لا تَعلَمُ
6. And if I were terse, sufficing in describing it would be
A house marked on me by the nights,
٦. وإن اقتصرتُ فقد كَفاني وَصفها
بَيتٌ عليَّ من اللّيالي مُعلَمُ
7. Passion stopped me where you are, so I have
Neither one left behind nor one gone ahead,
٧. وقفَ الهَوى بي حيثُ أَنت فليسَ لي
مُتأخّرٌ عنهُ ولا مُتَقدّمُ