
He wished well and was generous

ود وقد جاد لو أجادا

1. He wished well and was generous
Had he been generous and given abundantly

١. ودَّ وَقَد جادَ لَو أَجادا
وَفَضَّ شَملَ الغِنى وجادا

2. Then he gathered the wealth and gave generously
Then he wished, when he benefited the ignorant

٢. ثُمَّ تمنَّى إِذ فادَ جَهلاً
بأَن يُفادى بما أَفادا

3. That he be compensated for what he offered
Blessed is he who increased in good

٣. طُوبى لِمَن في الجَميل زادا
واتَّخَذَ الظَّيِّباتِ زادا