1. Patience is most beautiful if borne
And lighter if sincerity in suffering is true
١. الصَّبرُ أجمَلُ لو أطَقت الأَجمَلا
وأَخفُّ لو صَدق التجُّملُ مَحمَلا
2. O you who brought all to grief
You were but a guest briefly halting
٢. يا واحِداً عَمَّ الجميعَ مُصابُهُ
ما كنتَ إلا عارِضاً مُتَهلّلا
3. You went before me into death, thus
The good always go first, first
٣. قُدّمت قبلي في الوُفاة وهكذا
يتقدّم الأَخيار أوَّلَ أَوّلا
4. And death has certainly pierced our ranks
And I remain in a better part
٤. ولقد تَخَرَّمتِ المَنيّة شَطرنا
وبَقيتُ في شطرٍ فكان الأَفضَلا
5. We lived an era in blessing
While you bear every heavy burden
٥. عِشنا بذلك حِقبَةً في غِبطَةٍ
ونَداك يحملُ كلّ عِبءٍ أَثقَلا
6. And you sealed the breach of those who passed
And those remaining met tribulations
٦. وسَددت خُلَّةَ مَن مَضى لَمّا انقضَى
واستَقبَل البَاقُون خَطباً مُقبِلا
7. And you spared me and spared them what should be feared
And warded off the blows of fate from us and it cleared
٧. وكفيتني وكَفَيتَهُم ما يُتّقى
وجَلوت خَطبَ الدَّهرِ عَنّا فانجلى
8. So let every good soul weep for you
And let those who loved or hated mourn you
٨. فَليبكينَّكَ كُلُّ نادٍ صَالحٍ
وليَندُبَنَّكَ منَ أحبّ ومَن قَلى
9. And let a brilliant memory of you remain
As long as the ignorant night turns and day breaks
٩. وليبقيَنَّ عليكَ ذِكرٌ ناصِعٌ
ما أَدبَر اللَّيلُ البَهيمُ وأَقبَلا
10. You beautified our company and lengthened our days
When we were dispersed it was neither this way nor that
١٠. جَمّلت عِشرَتنِا وطُولَ زَمانِنا
لَمّا تَفَرَّطِنا فكَان كَلا ولا
11. O you whose worth surpassed loftiness
Above what you have reached wavering
١١. يا مَن تَواضع قَدرُهُ عن رِفعَةٍ
ما فَوقَ ما أَصبحتَ فيهِ مُعتَلى
12. So attain with your Lord your full share
And alight in His presence for you have reached the halt
١٢. فاستَوفِ حَظَّكَ عند ربِّكَ كُلَّه
واحطُط لَدَيهِ فقد بَلغتَ المَنزلا
13. For Him you left the vanishing and never
Ceased to be given to good works
١٣. فلهُ تركتَ الغَانِيَات ولم تَزل
بالبَاقياتِ الصَّالحاتِ مُوَكَّلا
14. No day of your life passed fruitless
But it was sweetened with piety and made fruitful
١٤. ما مَرَّ يومٌ من حياتِك عاطِلاً
بل كانَ بالتَّقوى مُحلَّىً مُخملا
15. The night knows from you a reverent vigil
To God pouring out copious tears
١٥. واللّيلُ يعرفُ منك نِضواً خاشعاً
لِلّهِ يَسكُب فيه دَمعاً مُسبَلا
16. Tasting not the savor of sleep
Except fleetingly, denying his eyelids to close
١٦. ما ذاقَ طعمَ النّومِ إلا خِلسَةً
بخِلت على أَجفانِه أَن يُكحَلا
17. So He inundated you between bowing and prostrating
With the tears of His piety, pleading and humble
١٧. فطوَاه بينَ رُكوعِه وسُجودِه
بدموعِ تَقواهُ مُنَدى مُخضَلا
18. His heart scorched and his tongue
Guiding the Book to God rhythmically chanting
١٨. أحشاؤه مَوقُوذةٌ ولِسَانُه
يُهدِي إلى اللَه الكِتَابَ مُرَتَّلا
19. What can I hope for after your burial in the soil
Alas the hoper is wrong in what he hoped
١٩. ماذا أؤَمِّلُ بعدَ وضعِكَ في الثَّرى
هيهات أخطأ آمِلٌ ما أمّلا
20. O Granter of the precious soul that You have taken
Make it in the Abode of Pleasure accepted
٢٠. يا واهبَ العِلقِ النّفيسِ أخَذتَهُ
فاجعَلهُ في دارِ الرِّضا مُتَقَبَّلا
21. And I have lost before it a namesake
Splattered with the blood of my heart, slain
٢١. ولقَد فقدتُ سَمِيَّهُ مِن قَبلِهِ
مُتَضَرِّجاً بدمِ الفؤاد مُقَتَّلا
22. Grief upon grief succeed in its bereavements
And just as I mourned them my utmost is to mourn
٢٢. رُزءٌ على رُزءٍ تتابَع ثُكلُهُ
وكمَا ثكلتُ فَغايَتِي أَن أُثكَلا
23. I consoled myself from them and perhaps
Weeping overcame my composure and flowed
٢٣. عزيَّتُ نفسِي عَنهُما ولَرُبّما
غلبَ البُكاءُ تَجَلُّدي فاستَرسَلا
24. O piercing arrow of fate
One day you must strike down the slain
٢٤. يا أيها السَّهم المغبُّ لِوَقتِه
لا بُدّ يَوماً أن تُصِيبَ المَقتَلا
25. Excuse me Abā Mārwān I lived and did not die
Relying on you and my death would have been easier
٢٥. عُذراً أبا مَروان عِشتُ ولم أَمُت
كَمداً عليكَ وكان مَوتي أسهَلا
26. So go as the alive go more lofty
And leave every low valley
٢٦. فاذهَب كما ذهَب الحَيا أَحيى الرُّبا
عُلواً وغادَر كل خَفضٍ منهلا
27. For you have left an enduring structure of truth
Remaining new and the new itself decays
٢٧. فلقد تركتَ بناءَ صِدقٍ خالداً
يبقى جَديداً والجَدِيدُ إلى بلى
28. Would that I had died before you a precursor
And you remained after me steady and calm
٢٨. يا ليتَني قَد مِتُّ قَبلكَ سابِقاً
وبقيتَ بَعدي ثابتاً مُتَهَلّلا
29. To you would come our freed and prisoner
And you would loosen the shackles of every afflicted sufferer
٢٩. يَأوي إليكَ طَلِيقُنا وأَسيرُنا
وَتَفُكُّ رِبقةَ كلّ عانٍ مُبتلى
30. Days do not fail to bring the like of your glory
Brighter, more generous in rights and more generous still
٣٠. لا تُخلِفُ الأَيّامُ مثلَكَ ماجداً
أَندى وأَعطى في الحُقوق وأبذَلا
31. And fiercer in his devotion to God
And stronger in resolve through adversities and I say
٣١. وأَشَدَّ في ذاتِ الإلهِ صريمةً
وأَمدَّ شأواً في الصّعاب وأقولا
32. I would wish your piety mixed with some dryness
To be my excuse within my heart if it asked
٣٢. لَودِدتُ بِرَّكَ أَن يشابَ بجفوةٍ
فيكونَ عُذراً عند قَلبِي إن سَلا
33. But creation has commended you and risen
Above any fault the eyes might imply
٣٣. لكن صفَت منكَ الخلائقُ واعتلَت
عن عِلَّةٍ تُبدِي العيون تَنَصُّلا
34. God’s prayers upon you from the first
His blessings manifest and the finest model
٣٤. صلّى عليك اللَهُ من مُتَقَدّم
ظهرَت كرامَتُه فكانَ الأَمثَلا
35. A cup constantly overflowing has watered you
Quenching knowledge luminous and perfect
٣٥. وسَقتكَ دِيمةُ مُزنَةٍ هَطَّالةٍ
تَروي مع العِلم المُنيفَ المُجملا
36. And the Guardian has promised you a mercy
Opening unto Paradise a gate locked
٣٦. وتعهدَّتكَ من المُهَيمن رَحمَةٌ
فتَحت إلى الفِردوسِ باباً مُقفَلا
37. I prepared after you two conditions which are
Patience I restrain and a neglected tear
٣٧. أَعددتُ بعدك حالَتين هُما هُما
صَبراً أُقيّدهُ ودَمعا مُهمَلا
38. The eye has neglected you as it has assured
And been faithful to its pact with you to neglect
٣٨. هَمَلَت عليكَ العَينُ إذ أَقَرَرتَها
ومن الوَفاءِ بعهدِها أَن تَهمِلا
39. No delight remains in life for me without you
And if its taste turned bitter in what dissolved
٣٩. لم تَبقَ لي في العَيشِ بعدك لَذّةٌ
ولئن أَمرّ مذاقُهُ في ما حَلا
40. I spoke to your grave with copious tears
And saw your figure in my mind pictured clear
٤٠. ناجيتُ قَبرَك والدّموع سَوافِح
ورأيتُ شَخصَك بالضّمير مُخَيَّلا
41. And I wished as we lived together we together
Would be if your company missed being the swiftest
٤١. وودتُ إذ عِشنَا معاً أَنّا مَعاً
إذ فات صنوَك أَن يَكونَ الأَعجَلا