
You fell behind, still young, for I

تخلفي صاغرة إنني

1. You fell behind, still young, for I
See you were late, so left behind

١. تَخلَّفي صاغِرةً إنَّني
أراكِ أبطأتِ فخُلّفتِ

2. Charged with evil, neglecting that
Goodness you were charged to find

٢. كَلِفتِ بالشرِّ وعفتِ الّذي
مِن صالحِ الأعمال كُلِّفتِ

3. If only you, no special plan conceived,
To save yourself, had not contrived

٣. ليتكِ إذ لم تألفي خطّةً
مُنجيةً لم تكُ أُلِّفتِ

4. Return the days' iniquities
Fulfilling what you owed in kind

٤. رُدِّي على الدَّهرِ عَوارِيَّهُ
قدِ اقتَضى ما كُنتِ أسلَفتِ

5. Goodness left you, you left it too
So blame yourself, you were maligned

٥. أخلَفكِ الخيرُ وأخلفتِه
فلا تَلُومي حيثُ أُخلِفتِ