
When does a person find fault in others

متى يقصد المرء في غيره

1. When does a person find fault in others
If he is excessive towards himself?

١. متى يَقصِدُ المرءُ في غيرهِ
إذا كانَ في نفسِهِ يُسرِفُ

2. I see the self, if it reaches its goal
It then proceeds to overreach

٢. أَرَى النَّفسَ إن بَلَغَت غايةً
سَمَت بَعدَ ذلكَ تستَشرِفُ

3. And how can it be pleased with a day that passes
While from its life it continually takes?

٣. وكيفَ تُسَرُّ بيومٍ يَمُرُّ
وَمِن عُمرِها أَبَداً يَغرِفُ

4. And a feast is a must for the stranger
To a nonbeliever whose fangs are bared

٤. وَلا بُدَّ لِلجَنبِ من وَجبَةٍ
إلى مَلحَدٍ نابُهُ يَصرِفُ

5. And whoever is certain that he
To his Lord will return and be dismissed

٥. ومَن كانَ مُستيقناً أَنَّهُ
إلى ربِّهِ الرَّجعُ والمصرِفُ

6. So what is his state when the book is placed
Does he deny what is in it or recognize?

٦. فما حالُه عندَ وَضعِ الكِتَابِ
أَيُنكِر ما فيهِ أَم يَعرِفُ