
Longing awaits and embraces me,

الوفر محتقب ومحتضن

1. Longing awaits and embraces me,
And the promise - if I keep to it - will embrace me.

١. الوَفرُ مُحتَقَبٌ ومُحتَضَنُ
والوَعدُ إن وافيته حضَنُ

2. I long for Najd and its dwellers,
A longing that drags with it the camel-litter.

٢. عِندي إلى نجدٍ وسَاكِنه
شَوقٌ يُجَرُّ ببعضِه الرَّسنُ

3. I have no patience, O critic, about Rasha,
My eyelids are with me, and the arrow-heads are with him.

٣. لا صَبرَ لي يا حارِ عَن رَشأٍ
عِندي الجُفونُ وعندَهُ الوسَنُ

4. If he divided me and divided his love,
His portion is a soul, mine is a body.

٤. إن كان قَسَّمني وقِسمَته
ضِيزى له روحٌ ولي بَدنُ

5. So his torment is sweet to his lover,
And his ugliness in his eyes is beauty.

٥. فَعذابهُ عذبٌ لعاشِقهِ
وقبيحُه في عينهِ حسَنُ

6. O critic, were it not for him, the tears would not
Have flowed copiously from my eyelids.

٦. يا حارِ لولاهُ لَما ابتدَرت
من مُقلتي مدامعٌ هُتُن

7. And the prominent would not have lamented bitterly
Except for him, terrors and afflictions.

٧. ولما انتجعت العُرب عن شحطٍ
من دونها الأهوالُ والفتنُ

8. And his undertakings are like the sea with no trace
In it for one who swims or laws.

٨. ومهامه كالبحر لا أثرٌ
فيها لمقتفرٍ ولا سننُ

9. If a star traveled in it, it would remain confused -
No North or South.

٩. لو سارَ فيها النجمُ ظلَّ بها
حيرانَ لا شامٌ ولا يَمنُ

10. A man's blood-money is a thousand, and there is no
Price for him if he travels through its regions.

١٠. دِيَةُ الفَتى أَلفٌ وليسَ لهُ
إن سارَ في أرجائِها ثَمنُ

11. A man is all of man whom anxieties have seized
And whom time has bitten.

١١. والمرءُ كُلّ المرءِ مَن أخذت
مِنهُ الخطوبُ وعَضَّهُ الزَّمنُ

12. If passion has left him, the ruins and remains
Will toy with him.

١٢. ثبتٌ فإن عَنَّ الغَرامُ لهُ
لَعِبت بهِ الأَطلالُ والدِّمَنُ

13. Not like the witless in stupidity -
Woe to him if a horned viper stings him!

١٣. لا كالمُرَفَّه في بُلَهنيةٍ
يا ويلَهُ إن لَزهُ قَرَن

14. Raising the faded litter is a well-bred libertine -
No journey or ships have burdened him.

١٤. رابي المجسة مُترفٌ رَهِلٌ
لم يَبرِهِ سَفَرٌ ولا سَفَنُ