
Whether desire comes early or late,

تقدم هوى أو تأخر نهى

1. Whether desire comes early or late,
Indeed, to your Lord is the final destination.

١. تقدَّم هوى أو تأخَّر نُهى
فإنّ إلى رَبِك المنتَهى

2. And Hellfire has been surrounded by desires,
So take or leave whatever is craved.

٢. وقد حُفَّ بالشَّهوات الجَحيمُ
فَخُذ أَو فَذَر كلَّ ما يُشتهى

3. And more daring than any daring one,
Is one who dares God in what He forbade.

٣. وأجرَأُ من كُلِّ ذِي لِبدَةٍ
جَرِيءٌ عَلى اللَهِ فيما نَهى

4. He sees the matter as serious but does not hesitate,
And plays around in knowledge among the confused.

٤. يَرى الأَمرَ جدَّاً ولا يَمتَرِي
ويَلهو على العلم فيمن لَها

5. And if his eyes were truthful to his heart,
Eyes of desire would not have blinded him.

٥. ولو صَدَقَت عَينُه قلبَهُ
لَما تَيَّمَتهُ عُيونُ المهى

6. And if he had been a bit wise,
He would have defended himself from what allured him.

٦. ولَو كان ذا مِرَّةٍ داهياً
لدافع عن نفسِه ما دَهى

7. And greed may take away the mind of an admirer,
To the point that he sells prohibition for pleasure.

٧. وقد يُذهِبُ الحِرصُ عقلَ اللّبي
ب حتّى يبيعَ النُّهى باللُّهى

8. And it prevents him from the full moon in his blindness,
And tires his glances in amusement.

٨. ويَعيي عَنِ البَدرِ في تمِّهِ
ويُتعِبُ ألحاظَهُ في السُّهى