
When the face of the sun turns yellow in the west and recedes

إذا اصفر وجه الشمس في الغرب وانتحى

1. When the face of the sun turns yellow in the west and recedes
Darkness spreads its corridor over the world

١. إذا اصفر وجه الشمس في الغرب وانتحى
ظلامُ على الدنيا يمد رواقه

2. And the full moon of the horizon, cold as ice, appears
The eclipse has lost its glow over the world

٢. وأقبل بدرُ الأفق أربدَ كالحاً
أضاع على الدنيا الخسوفُ ائتلاقه

3. And the sad stars blow violently
Thin from seeing a full moon whose glow they witnessed

٣. وهَبَّت حزيناتُ النجوم جوازعاً
ثكالى على بدرٍ رأَين محاقه

4. My friend, I call out to a faint voice from the grave
Prolonged decay has stifled its choking under the soil

٤. أصيخي إلى صوتٍ من القبر خافتٍ
أطال البلى تحت التراب اختناقه

5. A loyal heart's remainder that was sad when
A breeze blew towards the face of the beloved, parting them

٥. بقيَّةُ قلبٍ واجبٍ حنَّ إذ سرى
نسيمٌ إلى وجه الحبيبة شاقه

6. Imprisoned by the worms of the earth that eat his body
And tempt his shackles and ties upon him

٦. رهينٍ لدودِ الأرض يأكل جسمه
ويغري عليه قيده ووثاقه

7. He hugs the stones of estrangement as if they are
A harbor of comfort whose intimacy he seeks

٧. يعانِقُ أحجارَ النفاءِ كأنها
مهودُ رخاءٍ يستطبنَ عناقه

8. The cold of winter has pierced his bones
And the burning heat has multiplied his agony

٨. تخرَّم بردُ الداجيات عظامه
وأَكثَر حرُّ اللافحات احتراقه

9. He who once reached great heights effortlessly
So he won them while people praised his speed

٩. وكان الذي وافى العظائم سابقاً
فأحرزها حتى حمدن سباقه

10. He rose high until his circumstances scattered
And the army of death ambushed so he resisted

١٠. علا ما علا حتى ترامت صروفه
وباغته جيش المنون فعاقه

11. This soil contested his remaining
And the cycle of days immortalized their separation

١١. ونازعه هذا الترابُ بقاءَه
وخَلَّدَ ديجور الرموس فِراقه

12. So he called you weakly while silence choked
Every heart, constricting its chest and throat

١٢. فناجاك وَهناً والسكوتُ مضيِّقٌ
على كل قلبٍ صدرَه وخناقه

13. This grave has come between him and his beloved
And distanced him from his family and friends

١٣. وقد حالَ هذا القبرُ دون حبيبه
وأبعدَ عنه أهلهُ ورفاقه

14. I looked about confused like that star
And in the grave saw a full moon whose glow was gone

١٤. أطلّي كهذا النجمِ حيران ثاكلاً
وفي القبر بدرٌ قد رأيتِ محاقه