
I hated you, o dancer, when

بغضتك راقصة أنه

1. I hated you, o dancer, when
Another embraced your waist instead of me, and I knew

١. بغضتك راقصة أنه
يطوِّق خصرك غيري فأدري

2. You glided between his hands
On the soft melody of songs, playing, gliding,

٢. وتسرين بين يديه على
رخيم الغناءِ لعوباً ويسري

3. And together you stole in bliss
The sweet wishes, flowing, flowing,

٣. وتنتهبان معاً في النعيم
لذيذَ المنى تجريان وتجري

4. And you both escaped, delighted,
Meeting hand to hand and chest to chest.

٤. وتنفلتان لها مَرِحَينِ
وتجتمعان بكفٍّ وصدر

5. You surrendered to him with a soul
Of delight, amusement and lightheadedness,

٥. فتستسلمين إليه بنفسٍ
طروبٍ ولهوٍ وخفة فكر

6. And from you emotions of your heart
Were reflected on him, like the dawn,

٦. وتُعكسُ منكِ عليه عواطفُ
قلبكِ وهي مطالع فجري

7. And the redness of shyness slept on you
With what your smile contains, lip,

٧. ونمَّ عليكَ احمرارُ الخدود
وما تحتويه ابتسامةُ ثغر

8. So another enjoyed you, your statue, rhythm,
Breast, face and hair,

٨. فمُتِّعَ غيري منكِ بقدٍ
وزندٍ ونهد ووجهٍ وشعر

9. And he who I would sacrifice my heart, soul and life for
Embraced whom I loved.

٩. وقد ضمَّ بين ذراعيه مَن
أُفدّي بقلبي وروحي وعمري

10. Seeing that, I lost my sanity and my matter became confused,
The resurrection of my soul was upon me,

١٠. اراني إذا ما تأملت ذلك
ضلل رشدي وأشكل أمري

11. I lowered my head and emptied my patience,
And as long as my misery and humiliation please you,

١١. وقامت قيامةُ روحي عليَّ
وأطبق رأسي وأفرغ صبري

12. Then stay a dancer and continue,
And do not think of me after that,

١٢. وما دام يرضيك بؤسي وذلي
فخليك راقصةً واستمري

13. And be happy with another and accept my estrangement,
And if I die estranged from you, then after

١٣. ولا تفكري بي من بعد ذاك
وطيبي بغيري وارضي بهجري

14. My death, get up, dance on my grave.

١٤. وإن متُّ في الهجر منك فبعدَ
مماتي قومي ارقصي فوق قبري