
When will my soul attain what it yearns for

متى تبلغ النفس المشوق سؤالها

1. When will my soul attain what it yearns for
With a song of praise at the most glorious station

١. متى تبلغُ النفسُ المشوقُ سؤالَها
بإنشاد مدحي في أجلِّ مَقَامِ

2. The station of Allah's Messenger, may his Lord give him life
With every greeting and peace

٢. مَقامِ رسول اللَه حيَّاهُ ربُّه
بكل تَحيَّاتٍ وكلّ سَلامِ

3. My goal is that if I reached his grave
Then who could I be if I attained my goal

٣. مرامى أنِّي لو بلغتُ لقبرِهِ
فمن لي لو أنِّي بلغتُ مَرامي

4. Muhammad, the Chosen One from the family of Hashim
So speak of the generous, noble ancestry

٤. محمدٌ المُختارُ من آل هاشمٍ
فقل في كريمِ الأَصلِ نجلِ كِرَامِ

5. His virtues were raised on sand and pebbles
And his comfort saddled every cloud

٥. مناقبةُ تُربى على الرَّملِ والحَصَى
وراحتُه أزرَت بكلِّ غَمامِ

6. Greet him, like the full moon on the night it is full
For the horizon was adorned by the fullness of the moon through him

٦. محيَّاهُ مثلُ البَدر ليلةَ تمِّهِ
فقد زانَ فيه الأفقَ بدر تمامِ

7. The place of Allah's Messenger with his God
Is great, so who can attain such sublimity

٧. محلُّ رسولِ اللَه عندَ إلاههِ
عظيمٌ فمن ذا في الفخار كسَامي

8. His noble character makes all nobility forgettable
So he is the most generous raincloud

٨. مكارمُه تُنسي المكارم كُلها
فأكرم بغيثٍ في المواهب هَامِ

9. I hope to attain security tomorrow through my praises of him
For I have no fear while the hellfire blazes

٩. مدائحه أرجو بها الأَمن في غد
فما أختَشي والنارُ ذاتُ ضرامِ

10. From Allah I hope that I may attain an ode
In the presence of his tomb, while he is before me

١٠. من اللَه أرجو أن أفوزَ بمدحة
تجاه ضريحٍ منه وهُوَ أمامي