1. God forgive what the hands of fate have done
For he has made every effort seeking excuse
١. عَفَا اللَه عما قد جَنَتهُ يَدُ الدَّهرِ
فقد بَذَلَ المجهُودَ في طلب العُذرِ
2. Is it good that I complain of time which has made
Its works shine to me beyond all thanks
٢. أيحسنُ أن أشكو الزمانَ الذي غَدَت
صنائعهُ عندي تَجِلُّ عن الشُّكرِ
3. I was truly in the shackles of inaction until
Gradually it freed me from those shackles
٣. لقد كنتُ في أسر الخمول فلم يزَل
بِتَدريجِهِ حتى خَلَصتُ من الأَسرِ
4. So thanks to the days that kept their promise to me
And showed my eyes more than what wandered in my thoughts
٤. فشكراً لأيَّامِ وفَتُ لي بوعدها
وأبدت لعيني فوق ما جالَ في فكري
5. And how many nights have I spent destitute and they passed
With the adornments of my hopes like light in the darkness
٥. وكم ليلةٍ قد بتُّها مُعسِراً ولى
بزخرف آمالي كنورٌ من الفَقرِ
6. I say to my heart whenever I long for wealth
When God’s help comes, the hands of poverty are tied
٦. أقول لقلبي كلما اشتقت للغنى
إذا جاء نصر الله بُتَّت يَدُ الفَقرِ
7. And if you come to him with praise, he meets you with grace
So how many times has he replied to verse with prose
٧. وإن جئتَهُ بالمدح يلقاك باللَّهَى
فكم مرةٍ قد قابل النظم بالنثرِ
8. And he trembles with fervor when you praise him
As the cupbearer of wine trembled when his attributes were described
٨. ويهتزُّ للجدوى إذا ما مدحته
كما اهتزَّ حاشى وصفه شاربُ الخَمرِ