
Your arrival is sweeter than wealth to the impoverished

قدومك أحلى من غنى عند ذي فقر

1. Your arrival is sweeter than wealth to the impoverished
And better than ease that comes after hardship

١. قدومك أحلى من غنى عند ذي فقرِ
وأَحسَنُ من يُسرٍ تَأَتي على عُسرِ

2. And more desirable to the thirsty than a full cup
And brighter to the lost than the rising full moon

٢. وأشهى إلى الظمآن من نَقعٍ غُلَّةٍ
وأَبهى لدى الضُّلالِ من طَلعةِ البَدرِ

3. You have arrived, so good tidings of bounty and wealth!
Welcome, welcome, O cheerful bringer of good news!

٣. قَدِمتَ فبُشرى بالغنائمِ والغِنى
وأهلا وسهلاً بالبشاشة والبِشرِ

4. Kos wept when you departed from it on your travels
And from its tears the Nile swelled and flooded Egypt

٤. بكت قوصُ لما رُمتَ عنها تَرَحُّلا
فمن دمعها قد غُلَّقَ النيل في مِصرِ