
Enough of what has passed, O eye, of tearful regret

كفى ما جرى يا عين من دمع حسرة

1. Enough of what has passed, O eye, of tearful regret
Over a life whose time I spent in other than devotion

١. كفى ما جرى يا عينُ من دَمع حسرةٍ
على عُمُر أذهَبته في سِوَى النُّسك

2. I wrote what I had of sadness and sorrow
And does concealment avail from Him who makes lamentation knock?

٢. كتبتُ الذي عندي من الحُزن والأَسى
وهل ينفعُ الكتمانُ من طرقُه يبكي

3. I disliked a life in which I attained no wish
So my living in it is extremely straitened and distressed

٣. كرِهتُ حياةً ما بلغتُ بها مُنىً
فعيشي بها في غاية الضِّيق والضَّنك

4. My hope in the Prophet Muhammad has sufficed me
So there is no difference for me between taking or leaving

٤. كفاني رجائي في النبيّ محمد
فلا فرقَ بين الأخذ عندي أو الترك

5. The Generous Lord makes the full moon's light seem dim
And attributes of His dim the lustre of pearls on a necklace

٥. كريمُ المُحيَّا يفضحُ البدر نورُه
وأوصافُه تُزرى على الدُّرِّ في المسِّلك

6. My colour tends toward what you hope for in intercession
From Him tomorrow erasing what was of my lies

٦. كلوُني إلى ما ترتجي من شفاعةٍ
له في غد تمحو الذي كان من إفكي

7. It is as if I see my soul has attained at his basin
And those jugs have been sealed with musk

٧. كأني بنفسي وافقا عند حوضه
وقد ختمت تلكَ الأباريقُ بالمسك

8. I have grown old and youth has turned its back and left its time
And I still hope for pardon from the Owner of the Kingdom

٨. كبرتُ وقد ولَّى الشبابُ ووقته
وإنّي لارجو العفو من مالك المُلك

9. As it came in the Qur'an, He forgives our sins
If He wills, all evil deeds except associating others with Him

٩. كما جاء في القرآن يغفر ذنوبنا
إذا شاء كلَّ السيئات سوى الشِّرك

10. It is as if the whiteness of old age is a garment of return
Which I wore after playfulness and laughter

١٠. كأن بياضَ الشَّيبِ ثوبٌ إنابَةٍ
لبست له بعد الدُّعابة والضحك