1. He came like the full moon in its splendor
Haloed by the veil over his face
١. أَقبَلَ مثلَ البدر في تَمامهِ
تَحُفُّهُ الهالةُ من لِثامهِ
2. His lights tore the garment of darkness
When the stars smiled with their appearance
٢. ومَزَّقَت أنوارُهُ ثَوبَ الدُّجَى
مذ أطلَعَ الأنجُمَ بابتسامهِ
3. The boughs of acacia longed to convey
That softness from his shapely figure
٣. وماسَ فاشتاقت غصونُ البان أن
تَنقُل ذاك اللِّينَ عن قَوَامهِ
4. The glance of his eyes made lovers' hearts
Deafened by what was beyond his arrows
٤. أصمَى قلوبَ العاشقين طَرفُهُ
ظُلماً بما فوقَ من سِهامِهِ
5. Oh his eyelids, be gentle with a lovesick one
Your sickness has become intrinsic to his sickness
٥. يا جَفنَهُ رفقاً بصبٍ مُدنَف
سُقمُكَ أضحى الأصلَ في سقامِهِ
6. And you, his darling cheeks, is there no sympathy
For the longing heart enraptured by him?
٦. وأنتِ يا أعطافَه هل عَطفَةٌ
على مَشُوقِ القَلبِ مُستَهَامهِ
7. Who will bring me one whose cheek holds sweet water
Above the flames, burning within?
٧. مَن لي بمن في خَدِّه ماءُ حَياً
فوق لهيب دامَ في اضطرامِهِ
8. How many nights has his brilliance intoxicated me
His mouth's cup made me forget all wine
٨. كم ليلة أسكرني بريقهِ
أغنَت بكأسِ الثَّغرِ عن مُدَامهِ
9. I stay awake fearing none of his guards
Though his boughs reveal the gloom of darkness
٩. وبتُّ لا أجزعُ من حُرَّاسِهِ
إذ فَرعُهُ أبدى دُجى ظلامهِ
10. Between us is the fragrance of an embrace that has
Long bound me, stirring my passion
١٠. وبيننا طيبُ عناقٍ طالما
ألزمني شوقي بالتزِامهِ
11. This is the life I wish would continue forever
If fate would only aid its duration
١١. هذا هو العيشُ الذي وَدِدتُ لو
ساعدني الدهر على دَوَامِهِ
12. A breast within which is a secret deposited
Wisdom broadcasts from his judgments
١٢. صَدرٌ به لله سِرٌّ مودَعٌ
تُذيعُهُ الحِكمَةُ من أحكامهِ
13. He embarrassed white camomile and alas, the sloe
With what his pen reveals
١٣. واخجلَةَ البيض ويا وَيحَ القَنا
السُّمرِ بما يُبديهِ من اقلامهِ
14. Firm resolutions with which he repelled the days
From their purpose and time from its passage
١٤. عزائمٌ رَدَّ بها الأيامَ من
أعوانهِ والدَّهرَ من خُدَّامِهِ
15. Wakefulness that God especially endowed him with
Inspiring him the unseen by revelation
١٥. ويقظةٌ قد خصةَّ الله بها
توحى إليه الغيبَ من إلهامهِ
16. And a power that if the lion saw
He would plot his withdrawal
١٦. وسَطوَةٌ لو نظر اللَّيثُ لها
لأعمَلَ الحِيلة في إحجامهِ