
By the faith of Muhammad we have attained guidance,

يمينا لقد نلنا بدين محمد

1. By the faith of Muhammad we have attained guidance,
A guidance that is wary of soiling itself with falsehood.

١. يميناً لقد نلنا بدينِ مُحمدٍ
رَشَاداً تَحَاشَى أن يُداخِلَه نَثيُّ

2. He bares his white swords against the enemies,
For them in battle there is only killing and captivity.

٢. يجرّد في الأَعداءِ بِيضَ سُيوفِهِ
فحسبُ عداهُ في الوغَى القتلُ والسَّبيُ

3. His religion brings us closer to the Creator of creation,
His words guide us with commands and prohibitions.

٣. يُقرَّبَنا من خالِق الخَلقِ دينُهُ
ويرشدُنا من قولهِ الأَمرُ والنَّهي

4. His law spreads justice and security throughout the land,
So the lion no longer fears the gazelle in his kingdom.

٤. يعمُّ الورَى بالعدلِ والأمنِ شرعَهُ
فليس يخافُ الليثَ في ملكه الظَّبيُ

5. He protects the sanctuary of Islam by his Lord's command,
With what was revealed in the Quran when revelation descended.

٥. يصونُ حِمَى الإسلام عن أمرِ ربِّه
بما جاءَ في القرآن إذ هَبط الوَحيُ

6. All who speak are seen as falling short before him,
Beyond count or limit upon him.

٦. يُرى كلُّ ذي نطق لديه مقصّرا
ولا حصرُ يعدو عليه ولا عي

7. The wellsprings of eloquence gushed forth
From his speech, or from his community's watering.

٧. ينابيعُ أسرار الفصاحةِ فُجِّرَت
بمنطقِهِ أو عَمَّ أمتَهُ السَّقي

8. His distance and nearness cause death and life,
For neither are the living and dead equal in the world.

٨. يُميتُ ويُحيي بُعدُه ودُنُوُّهُ
وما يتساوى في الورى الميتُ والحيُّ

9. The lover of him gains the gardens of hearts,
Roamed therein in silk especially for him.

٩. يفوز بجنات القلوب محبه
وملبسه فيها حرير له وشي

10. Praise of him consoles my heart from my beloved,
He was no intruder, nor did I mention Mayy.

١٠. يُسلّي فؤادي عن نسيبي مدحُهُ
فلا كان غيلان ولا ذُكِرت مَيُّ