1. What is with my pimps and chains?
They have chained the doors of my sustenance,
١. ما بالُ قوَّادي وعلقي
قد علقا أبوابَ رزقي
2. And conspired, contracted,
And swore oaths of sincerity,
٢. وتعاهدا وتعاقد
وتحالفا أيمان صدقَ
3. That if they leave me repentant,
From my lustfulness of all immorality,
٣. إن تتركاني تائباً
من فاتحتي عن كل فسقِ
4. And leave me exposed,
To people in east and west,
٤. وتخلياني مُثُلَةَ
للناسِ في غربٍ وشرقِ
5. I have become a Sufi in poverty,
Pleasing them while my skin is torn.
٥. قد صرتُ صوفيا لِفَق
ري منهما والجلدُ دلقي
6. My turban is my head and my skull,
Rubbing the ground while old age is my nature.
٦. وعمامتي رأسي وجمجم
تي الثرى والكبرُ خُلقي
7. So I am the warner for whoever tomorrow,
Comes exposed to love someday,
٧. فأنا النذير لمن غدا
متعرضاً يوماً لعشقِ
8. How many nights have I wasted,
In which I lost my dignity and wasted my paper,
٨. كم ليلةٍ ضَيَّعتُ فيه
ا حُرمتي وأضعت ورقي
9. And got slapped when I got drunk
From a cup in which the beloved is served,
٩. وُصفعت حين سكرتُ من
كأسٍ بها المحبُوبُ يَسقى
10. And when I get drunk, I
Am squandering my money and emancipation.
١٠. وإذا سكرت فإنني
مُستَهلِكٌ مالي وعتقي