1. The sustenance of servants is apportioned by your comfort,
So for that reason you grant whom you wish and deny.
١. رزقُ العباد براحتيك مقسَّمُ
فلذاكَ ترزق من تشاء وتحرمُ
2. And to you return all matters entirely,
Trusting in the justice of your rule in what you decree.
٢. وإليك ترتدُّ الأمورُ بأسرها
ثقةً بعدل قضَاك فيما تحكُمُ
3. You are clothed in the garment of glory among all creation,
And upon your shoulders is the decorated mantle.
٣. أُلبَستَ ثوب المجد ما بين الورى
وعلى عَواتقكَ الطرازُ المُعلَمُ
4. You have become, through beneficence, a guardian over us,
Our necks and caller to your hands the perfecter.
٤. أصبحتَ بالإِحسان فينا مالكاً
أعناقنا وندا يديك مُتَمِّمُ
5. And excuse a youth who envied the Magians for their coldness
In their religion while he is the upright Muslim.
٥. واعذر فتىً حَسَدَ المجوس لبرده
في دينهم وهوَ الحنيف المسلمُ
6. Since they worship the fire throughout their lives
And their fate after death is Hellfire.
٦. إذ يعبدون النارَ طول حياتهم
ومصيرهُم بعد الممات جهنَّمُ