
O virtuous one whom his mind has been endowed

أيها الفاضل الذي قد حباه

1. O virtuous one whom his mind has been endowed
With treasures of knowledge and wisdom

١. أيُّها الفاضِلُ الذي قد حَباهُ
ذهنُه من علومِه بكنُوزِ

2. You have surpassed people of literature, seriously and in jest
Thus you distinguished yourself from them with this distinction

٢. فُقتَ أهل الآدابِ جَدّاً وهزلا
فَتميَّز عنهم بذا التمييز

3. How often you have outshone Al-Tibrizi
In treatises that you have excellently composed

٣. كم وكم من رسالة لك قد برّ
زتَ فيها سبقاً على التبريزي

4. I, by God, have been your subjects since the Nawroz
While you are the emir during the Nawroz

٤. أنا واللَه من رعاياك مازِل
تُ وأنت الأَميرُ في النوروزِ