1. Blessings upon the Chosen One from the family of Hashim
Prayers upon the one who established the Law among us
١. على المُصطفى المُختار من آل هاشمٍ
صلاة الذي فينا أقامَ به الشَّرعا
2. We praise Allah that He taught us our Prophet
Is the most noble of creation in lineage and character
٢. علمنا بحمد اللَه أن نبينا
أجلُّ الورى أصلاً وأزكاهُمُ فرعا
3. Through him we have a fortress, a stronghold
It suffices us that we are his followers and he watches over us
٣. علينا به حصنٌ حصين فحسبُنا
بأنَّا رعايا وهي أضحى لنا يرعى
4. We hold fast to the rope of Muhammad
Through it we are safe in our religion from weakness and schism
٤. علِقنا بحَبلٍ من حبالِ محمَّدٍ
أَمنَّا به في ديننا الوَهنَ والصدعا
5. Our creed is made firm by loyalty
We repel harm through it and attain benefit
٥. عقيدتُنا قد أُحكِمت بولايةٍ
دفعنا بها ضرّاً ونلنا بها نفعاً
6. It protects us from all polytheism and falsehood
Happy is he who listens to his words
٦. عَصمنا به من كلِّ شركٍ وربية
فطوبى لمن ألقى إلى قوله السَّمعا
7. May Allah forgive us since we returned to his cause
And we hope for safety as to our Lord is the return
٧. عفا اللَه عنَّا مُذ رجعنا لأمرهِ
ونرجُوا أماناً إذ إلى ربنا الرُّجعى
8. We know the praise that suits his excellent verse
However subtle, it surpasses the expert artisan's work
٨. علمنا له المدحَ الذي راقَ نظمُهُ
مهما رِقَةً قد فاقت الوشي من صنعا
9. Those who oppose him, their endeavors fail
Allah suffices him against those disappointed
٩. عداهُ لدى الدارين قد خابَ سعيهم
كفى اللَه من ولاه من خيبةٍ المعنى
10. I am occupied praising him, certain
That I repel adversities which I cannot repel
١٠. عكفتُ على مدحي له متيقنا
بدفعِ خطوبٍ لا أطبقُ لها دفعا