
You have not replaced her abandonment with her affection

ما عوضتك بهجرها عن وصلها

1. You have not replaced her abandonment with her affection
Except that she was miserly with you

١. ما عَوَّضتكَ بهجرها عن وَصلها
إلا وقد جادَت عليك ببخلها

2. Seek solace for your grief with imagination
Perhaps fantasy will represent her to you

٢. فاطلب لمُقلَتك الهجوع تخيُّلاً
فعسا يُعلَلكَ الخيالُ يمثلها

3. Alas! You will never enjoy the phantom of her image
As long as your eyes stay awake for her

٣. هيهاتَ أن تحظى بزورَةِ طَيفها
ما دام طرفُكَ ساهراً من أجلها

4. You have burdened yourself beyond what you were used to
Of the fatigue of passion, so you grew tired carrying it

٤. حَمَّلتَ نفسك فوق ما اعتادته من
تَعَب الهوى فَتَعبتَ أنت بحمله

5. O my friend, by Allah, if you come to her abode
Stand at the meadows asking about its people

٥. يا صاحبي باللَه إن جئتَ الحمى
قف بالربوع مُسائلا عن أهلها

6. All of its butterflies are gone from me, so I have
A heart that stayed in its sadness and its plains

٦. والثُم ثراها كلَّه عَنِّى فلى
قَلبٌ أقام بِحَزنِها وبسَهلِها

7. And whenever her beauty tempted you to love her
Silence your heart lest you get struck by her arrows

٧. ومتى بَدَت لك من فُتنتَ بحُبِّها
فاخرُس فؤادك أن تصابَ بنبلَها

8. And if she claimed the perfection of beauty entirely
Submit, for she has demonstrated it by her proofs

٨. وإذا ادَّعَت حُسنَ الحسانِ بأسره
سَلم فقد دلَّت عليه بدَلَّها

9. Do you see the nights of union returning one night
Where some of it satisfies for all of it

٩. أَترى ليالي الوَصل ترجَعُ ليلةً
منها فيُقنع بعضُها عن كلّها

10. And my hope in life is to expand my desire
Yet its paths have narrowed for me

١٠. والإمَ في الدنيا أُوَسِّعُ رغبتي
وعليَّ قد ضاقَت مسالكُ سُبلها

11. The days are not to blame in my view for what
They did, and the forbearing pardons them in their ignorance

١١. لا ذَنبَ للأيام عندي في الذي
صَنَعَت ويَعذرها الحليم لجهلها

12. How much should I blame them when the benevolence of
The beginning of the era did not make me forget its evil doing

١٢. كم ذا أُعاتبها كأن لم يُنسني
إحسانُ صدرِ الدين سَيِّئَ فعلها

13. Authority has established itself in Hama because it is
Of its people and because he is of its people

١٣. سَمَت الوزارةُ في حماه لأنها
من أهله ولأنه من أهلها

14. Do not argue forgiveness from its ethics
And beware that the swords tempt you with their sharpening

١٤. لا تَعتَرِر بالصَّفحِ من أخلاقهِ
وحذارِ تُطمِعُك السيوف بصَقلها