
My enviers did not attain what they sought from God

ما بلغ الله حسادي الذي طلبوا

1. My enviers did not attain what they sought from God
The beloved visited and anger and estrangement ceased

١. ما بلَّغ اللَه حُسَّادي الذي طلبوا
زارَ الحبيبُ وزال الهَجرُ والغَضَبُ

2. I complained to him while he was absent
And no reason for it is known to me

٢. وبتُّ أعتِبُهُ إذ كان منقطعاً
وليس يُعرف لي فيها جرَى سَبَبُ

3. Oh what a short night it was
When revelry and joy were prolonged

٣. فيا لها ليلةً ما كان أقصَرَها
لما تطاول فيها اللَّهوُ والطَّرَبُ

4. We stayed up and the pourer of wine had the full moon in his palm
A sun dripping its embers on its face

٤. بِتنا وساقي الطَّلى بدرٌ براحته
شمسٌ تُنَقِّطها في وجهها الشَهُبُ

5. And its cup urged it on cheekily, its mouth
And its lips every time the loved one smiled at it

٥. وحَثَّها خَندَرِيساً كأسُهَا فَمُهُ
وثَغرُهُ كلما ضاحكتَهُ الحَبَبُ

6. Oh Abu Al-Hussein, it suffices me that you answer my call
On the day of hope when I call upon you as my refuge

٦. أبا الحُسينِ وحسبي أن يُلبيني
يومَ الرجاء إذا ناديتُكَ الحَسَبُ

7. Indeed the departed Bramkas boasted of nothing
Except the easiest gifts given and granted

٧. إن البرامكة الماضين ما افتخُروا
إلا بأيسَرِ ما تُعطى وما تَهَبُ

8. Generosity always held nobility in life
Since it was attributed to Yahya and traced back to him

٨. والفضلُ ما زال في الدنيا له شَرَفٌ
إذ كان يُعزى إلى يحيى وينتَسِبُ