
On his cheek remain traces of the veil's imprint

في خده من بقايا اللثم تجميش

1. On his cheek remain traces of the veil's imprint
And I am disturbed by the agitation of that cheek

١. في خدّهِ من بقايا اللثمِ تجميش
وبي لِتَشويشِ ذاك الصُّدغ تَشويشُ

2. A gazelle from the Turks whose glances made him sing
Of what was contained in arrows and quivers

٢. ظبيٌ من التُّركِ أغنته لواحظُهُ
عما حوته من النَّبل التَّراكيشُ

3. When he bends, the branch of his heart breaks
And when he appears, the edge of the full moon folds

٣. إذا تثنَّى فقلبُ الغُصنِ مُنكَسرٌ
وإن تبدَّى فطرفُ البدرِ مَدهُوشُ

4. O my reproacher, if you are blind to the beauty of his face
Then I am deaf to what you have said

٤. يا عاذلي إن تكُن عن حُسنِ صُورَتِهِ
أعمى فإني عما قُلتَ أطرُوشُ

5. And put the Arabs to shame if their turbans
Did not contain what his drinking-cup contained

٥. واخجلةَ العُربِ إن كانتَ عمائمَهُم
لم تَحوِ ما قد حوتٌ منه الشرَّابيش

6. How many nights he stayed up serving me wine
In a garden adorned with the growth of clouds

٦. كم ليلةٍ باتَ يسقيني المدامَ على
روض له بنبات الغَيم تَرقيشُ

7. And rain like a king, the armies tremble before it
With lightning its flags and thunder its musician

٧. والغيث كالملك ترتجُّ الجيوشُ لهُ
والبرقُ راياتُه والرَّعدُ جاويشُ

8. In a gathering whose corners laughed with joy
For it was carpeted with the exquisite flowers

٨. في مجلسٍ ضَحِكت أرجاؤُه طرباً
لأنه ببديع الزَّهر مَفروُشُ