
Why have I seen you lose affection for me

ما لي أراك أضعت ودي

1. Why have I seen you lose affection for me
And betray me, breaking your vow?

١. ما لي أراك أضعتَ وُدِّي
وغدرتَ بي وَنقَضتَ عَهدي

2. You have wronged my heart with passion
Unjustly with burning agony and yearning

٢. وأَذَبتَ قلبي في الهوى
ظُلماً بنار جَوىً ووَجد

3. And you have made my eyes weep
Pausing at my tears and sleeplessness

٣. وجَعَلتَ طَرفي بالأسى
وَقفاً على دَمعي وسُهدي

4. And I see harm from you
When you do wrong as though it were kindness to me

٤. وأرى الإساءة منك ح
ين تُسِئُ كالإِحسانِ عندي

5. So I conceal my love for you
My youth and the tears that reveal it

٥. حَتَّامَ أُخفِي في هوا
ك صَبابَتي والدمع يُبدي

6. I have come to you with intention
Hopefully you know the rightness of my aim

٦. أنا قد أَتيتُكَ قاصِداً
فعساك تعرف حَقَّ قَصدي

7. My hopes cling to the hem of your mercy
Excuse them with a promise

٧. عَلِقَت بذيلِ رجاك آ
مالي فَعَلَّلها بوَعدِ

8. My longing for you, as you know
Transcends limits and bounds

٨. شوقي إليك كما علم
تَ يَجِلُّ عن حَصرٍ وحَدِّ