
When parting drew near between the beloved and I, they shared

لما دنا البين بين الحي واقتسموا

1. When parting drew near between the beloved and I, they shared
The rope of love between them into pieces torn,

١. لَمّا دَنا البَينُ بَينُ الحَيِّ وَاِقتَسَموا
حَبلَ النَوى فَهوَ في أَيديهِمُ قِطَعُ

2. Layla wept copious tears that hastened our parting
While the pain of separation remains and does not depart

٢. جادَت بِأَدمُعِها لَيلى وَأَعجَلَني
وَشكُ الفِراقِ فَما أُبقي وَما أَدَعُ

3. Oh my heart, woe to you, neither in well-being do I live
Nor in days gone by, returning back no more

٣. يا قَلبُ وَيحَكَ ما عَيشي بِذي سَلَمٍ
وَلا الزَمانُ الَّذي قَد مَرَّ مُرتَجَعُ

4. Whenever a loved one appears with whom I’m incompatible
And who care not that their absence makes me sore

٤. أَكُلَّما بانَ حَيٌّ لا تُلائِمَهُم
وَلا يُبالونَ أَن يَشتاقَ مَن فَجَعوا

5. You’ve attached me to defiant passion so my heart
Is shattered by separation into fragments strewn

٥. عَلَّقتِني بِهَوىً مُردٍ فَقَد جَعَلَت
مِنَ الفِراقِ حَصاةَ القَلبِ تَنصَدِعُ