1. If they veil her or hinder our tryst
By threats from a spy or command of the Emir,
١. فَإِن يَحجُبوها أَو يَحُل دونَ وَصلِها
مَقالَةُ واشٍ أَو وَعيدُ أَميرِ
2. They have not veiled my eyes that weep constantly
Nor will they possess what my conscience holds dear.
٢. فَلَم يَحجُبوا عَينَيَّ عَن دائِمِ البَكا
وَلَن يَملِكوا ما قَد يَجُنَّ ضَميري
3. I complain to God of the pangs of passion,
Of burning affliction and many a tear,
٣. إِلى اللَهِ أَشكو ما أُلاقي مِنَ الهَوى
وَمِن حُرَقٍ تَعتادُني وَزَفيرِ
4. Of innermost grief for the joys of love lost
In long, sorrowful nights with no end in sight.
٤. وَمِن كُرَبٍ لِلحُبِّ في باطِنِ الحَشا
وَلَيلٍ طَويلِ الحُزنِ غَيرِ قَصيرِ
5. With copious weeping my sad eyes will rain
A woeful lament as a captive in chains.
٥. سَأَبكي عَلى نَفسي بِعَينٍ غَزيرَةٍ
بُكاءَ حَزينٍ في الوِثاقِ أَسيرِ
6. Ere the buds showed we shared in delight,
Blessed days of joy and of cheer.
٦. وَكُنّا جَميعاً قَبلَ أَن يَظهَرَ النَوى
بِأَنعَمِ حالَي غِبطَةٍ وَسُرورِ
7. No sooner the spies spied buds than they turned
And showed but the backs of their rears in flight.
٧. فَما بَرِحَ الواشونَ حَتّى بَدَت لَنا
بُطونُ الهَوى مَقلوبَةً بِظُهورِ
8. You'd think, if our love lasted, my soul would rest sated
But naught in this world is safe from Time’s blight
٨. لَقَد كُنتِ حَسبَ النَفسِ لَو دامَ وَصلُنا
وَلَكِنَّما الدُنيا مَتاعُ غُرورِ
9. If a man hides his love, my soul cannot know,
Nor can my conscience touch what's from sight.
٩. لَوَ اَنَّ اِمرَأً أَخفى الهَوى عَن ضَميرِهِ
لَمِتُّ وَلَم يَعلَم بِذاكَ ضَميري