1. He repels the gossip of slanderers
And overcomes it for me as though I do not want it
١. يُكَذِّبُ أَقوالَ الوُشاةِ صُدودُها
وَيَجتازُها عَنّي كَأَن لا أُريدُها
2. And beneath the streams of tears there is affection between us
That secretly observes without calling out to its child
٢. وَتَحتَ مَجاري الدَمعِ مِنّا مَوَدَّةٌ
تُلاحِظُ سِرّاً لا يُنادي وَليدُها
3. I have lifted from this life desires other than its own
So I do not ask this life for more nor seek to increase it
٣. رَفَعتُ عَنِ الدُنيا المُنى غَيرَ وُدِّها
فَما أَسأَلُ الدُنيا وَلا أَستَزيدُها