1. To the generous man whose hands
Were forces for doing good deeds
١. إِلى القَرَمِ الَّذي كانَت يَداهُ
لِفِعلِ الخَيرِ سَطوَةَ مَن يُنيلُ
2. When praise was expensive he bought it
Never tiring or making others tired
٢. إِذا ما غالِيَ الحَمدِ اِشتَراهُ
فَما إِن يَستَقيلَ وَلا يُقيلُ
3. Trustworthy, he keeps what he was entrusted
With what suffices the strong and noble
٣. أَمينُ الصَدرِ يَحفَظُ ما تَوَلّى
بِما يَكفي القَوِيُّ بِهِ النَبيلُ
4. Abu Marwan, you are a young man of Quraysh
And their elder when elders are counted
٤. أَبا مَروانَ أَنتَ فَتى قُرَيشٍ
وَكَهلُهُم إِذا عُدَّ الكُهولُ
5. The clan tasked him with what concerned them
So neither stinginess of arm nor miserliness
٥. تَوَلّيهِ العَشيرَةُ ما عَناها
فَلا ضَيقُ الذِراعِ وَلا بَخيلُ
6. To you their hands point when
They intend or a grave matter befalls them
٦. إِلَيكَ تُشيرُ أَيديهِم إِذا ما
رُموا أَو غالَهُم أَمرٌ جَليلُ
7. Each of his days is open-handed with kindness
And each of his afflictions is good and beautiful
٧. كِلا يَومَيهِ بِالمَعروفِ طَلقٌ
وَكُلُّ بِلائِهِ حَسَنٌ جَميلُ
8. He swayed with glory among Quraysh
His glory and noble lineage erecting him
٨. تَمايَلَ في الذُؤابَةِ مِن قُرَيشٍ
ثَناهُ المَجدُ وَالعِزُّ الأَثيلُ
9. A firm pillar that shakes wherein
Is the branch of the most generous growth
٩. أُرومٌ ثابِتٌ يَهتَزُّ فيهِ
بِأَكرَمِ مَنبِتٍ فَرعٌ طَويلُ