
No! By Him to whom foreheads bow down in prostration,

لا والذي تسجد الجباه له

1. No! By Him to whom foreheads bow down in prostration,
I have no knowledge of what is beneath her clothes,

١. لا وَالَّذي تَسجُدُ الجِباهُ لَهُ
مالي بِما دونَ ثَوبِها خَبَرُ

2. Nor of what is in her mouth, nor have I ever intended it,
It was but talk and looking from afar.

٢. وَلا بِفيها وَلا هَمَمتُ بِهِ
ما كانَ إِلّا الحَديثُ وَالنَظَرُ