1. Your father is a thief who steals the guest's cloak
And your grandfather, O boaster, the knight of Shammarr
١. أَبوكَ حُبابٌ سارِقُ الضَيفِ بُردَهُ
وَجَدِّيَ يا شَمّاخُ فارِسُ شَمَّرا
2. The righteous beget the righteous, and he who is born
To evil fathers will find them wherever he turns
٢. بَنو الصالِحينَ الصالِحونَ وَمِن يَكُن
لِآباءِ سَوءٍ يَلقَهُم حَيثُ سُيِّرا
3. If you are angry at God's distribution among you
Then God, since He did not please you, is more discerning
٣. فَإِن تَغضَبوا مِن قِسمَةِ اللَهِ فيكُمُ
فَلِلَّهُ إِذ لَم يُرضِكُم كانَ أَبصَرا