1. We protected our women on the first day,
On the day of Auf and when tongues were lisping,
١. وَنَحنُ مَنَعنا يَومَ أولٍ نِساءَنا
وَيَومَ أُفَيٍّ وَالأَسِنَّةُ تَرعُفُ
2. And on the day of battles with spears at Baniyan,
Some of what they had paid in advance,
٢. وَيَومَ رَكايا ذي الجَداةِ وَوَقعَةٍ
بِبَنيانَ كانَت بَعضَ ما قَد تَسَلَّفوا
3. The young girls love the shadow of our flags,
When the screaming herald comes panting to us,
٣. يُحِبُّ الغَواني البيضُ ظِلَّ لِواءَنا
إِذا ما أَتانا الصارِخُ المُتَلَهِّفُ
4. We walk ahead of the people and the people behind us,
If we gesture to the people they stop,
٤. نَسيرُ أَمامَ الناسِ وَالناسُ خَلفَنا
فَإِن نَحنُ أَومَأنا إِلى الناسِ وَقَّفوا
5. So which aggressor's spears did we drive away
As we have driven them away and the boasters do us justice,
٥. فَأَيُّ مَعَدٍّ كانَ فَيءَ رِماحِهِم
كَما قَد أَفَأنا وَالمُفاخِرُ يُنصِفُ
6. Whenever a group set up camp against us
And their slave girls passed by and were abashed,
٦. وَكُنّا إِذا ما مَعشَرٌ نَصَبوا لَنا
وَمَرَّت جَواري طَيرِهِم وَتَعَيَّفوا
7. We set for them a measure of retribution as a hostage,
And we fulfill it when people are cheating,
٧. وَضَعنا لَهُم صاعَ القِصاصِ رَهينَةً
وَنَحنُ نُوَفّيها إِذا الناسُ طَفَّفوا
8. If the tribes compete for glory you will find us,
With a cup of glory for us and a cup for the people,
٨. إِذا اِستَبَقَ الأَقوامُ مَجداً وَجَدتَنا
لَنا مِغرَفا مَجدٍ وَلِلناسِ مِغرَفُ
9. We came forth and reddened our swords for every tribe,
With our swords when the weak are being devoured,
٩. بَرَزنا وَأَصحَرنا لِكُلِّ قَبيلَةٍ
بِأَسيافِنا إِذ يُؤكَلُ المُتَضَعَّفُ
10. It was us who protected Mecca with spears one day,
Qusayy and the tips of spears all crumbling,
١٠. وَنَحنُ حَمينا يَومَ مَكَّةَ بِالقَنا
قُصَيّاً وَأَطرافُ القَنا تَتَقَصَّفُ
11. We circled its environs after Mecca
Intended what Allah had refused should surround it.
١١. فَحُطنا بِها أَكنافَ مَكَّةَ بَعدَما
أَرادَت بِها ما قَد أَبى اللَهُ خِندِفُ