
The lovers have awoken from sleep and parted from passion,

أفق قد أفاق العاشقون وفارقوا

1. The lovers have awoken from sleep and parted from passion,
While my tears keep flowing relentlessly.

١. أَفِق قَد أَفاقَ العاشِقونَ وَفارَقوا
الهَوى وَاِستَمَرَّت بِالرِجالِ المَرائِرُ

2. All is lost unless your glistening tears can fulfill a wish,
With lightning flashing from the clouds that gather.

٢. فَقَد ضَلَّ إِلّا أَن تُقَضِّيَ حاجَةً
بِبُرقِ حَفيرٍ دَمعُكَ المُتَبادِرُ

3. Grant it like something that never was, or like a traveler
Leaving home, or one buried in the graves.

٣. وَهَبها كَشَيءٍ لَم يَكُن أَو كَنازِحٍ
بِهِ الدارُ أَو مِن غَيَّبَتهُ المَقابِرُ

4. Should I despair if the abode of bliss is far away,
Or that an untamed heart has flown like a bird?

٤. أَأَلحَقُّ إِن دارُ الرَبابِ تَباعَدَت
أَوَ اَن شَطَّ وَليٌ أَنَّ قَلبَكَ طائِرُ

5. By my life! Neither I confided my secret, nor did she,
Fearing our hidden thoughts would spread.

٥. لَعَمرِيَ ما اِستَودَعتُ سِرّي وَسِرُّها
سِوانا حِذاراً أَن تَشيعَ السَرائِرُ

6. Nor did my eyes address her with a glance,
Lest the watching eyes discern our whispered longings.

٦. وَلا خاطَبَتها مُقلَتايَ بِنَظرَةٍ
فَتَعلَمَ نَجوانا العُيونُ النَواظِرُ

7. Rather, I made my gaze a messenger between us,
Conveying what timid hearts struggle to express.

٧. وَلَكِن جَعَلتُ اللَحظَ بَيني وَبَينُها
رَسولاً فَأَدّى ما تَجُنَّ الضَمائِرُ