1. I swore to her by the bodies with bleeding necks,
Indeed my soul has suffered because of you and I became weary.
١. حَلَفتُ لَها بِالبُدنِ تَدمى نُحورُها
لَقَد شَقِيَت نَفسي بِكُم وَعُنيتُ
2. I swore an oath sincerely, O Buthaina,
So if I were lying in it, then I became blind.
٢. حَلَفتُ يَميناً يا بُثَينَةُ صادِقاً
فَإِن كُنتُ فيها كاذِباً فَعَميتُ
3. If any skin other than yours touched me
And caressed me below the waist, I became senile.
٣. إِذا كانَ جِلدٌ غَيرُ جِلدِكِ مَسَّني
وَباشَرَني دونَ الشِعارِ شَريتُ
4. And if a caller from you called out my funeral,
And I was in the hands of men, I would come back to life.
٤. وَلَو أَنَّ داعٍ مِنكِ يَدعو جِنازَتي
وَكُنتُ عَلى أَيدي الرِجالِ حَيِيتُ