1. News of Marwan came to me from afar that he
Has fettered my blood or cut out my tongue
١. أَتانِيَ عَن مَروانَ بِالغَيبِ أَنَّهُ
مُقيدٌ دَمي أَو قاطِعٌ مِن لِسانِيا
2. So in Jesus there is salvation, and on earth there is refuge
When we lift up the skirts for them
٢. فَفي العيسِ مَنجاةٌ وَفي الأَرضِ مَذهَبٌ
إِذا نَحنُ رَفَّعنا لَهُنَّ المَثانِيا
3. And desire brought the two of us together until it provoked me
The confidant of love from my country
٣. وَرَدَّ الهَوى أُثنانُ حَتّى اِستَفَزَّني
مِنَ الحُبِّ مَعطوفُ الهَوى مِن بِلادِيا
4. I say to the caller of love, and the wall between us
And Wadi Qura, I am at your service when you called me
٤. أَقولُ لِداعي الحُبِّ وَالحِجرُ بَينَنا
وَوادي القُرى لَبَّيكَ لَمّا دَعانِيا
5. And I returned from an old passion to my infatuation
And I revealed the ardor that was hidden
٥. وَعاوَدتُ مِن خِلٍّ قَديمٍ صَبابَتي
وَأَظهَرتُ مِن وَجدي الَّذي كانَ خافِيا
6. And they said he has a fatal love sickness
And my soul knew where my remedy was
٦. وَقالوا بِهِ داءٌ عَياءٌ أَصابَهُ
وَقَد عَلِمَت نَفسي مَكانَ دَوائِيا
7. She is angry at me that I visit her
And she takes my sin upon herself that she sees me
٧. أَمَضروبَةٌ لَيلى عَلى أَن أَزورَها
وَمُتَّخِذٌ ذَنباً لَها أَن تَرانِيا
8. It is magic, except magic has an antidote
And I cannot find for it, time has a healer
٨. هِيَ السِحرُ إِلّا أَنَّ لِلسِحرِ رُقيَةً
وَإِنِّيَ لا أُلفي لَها الدَهرَ راقِيا
9. I love the beautiful women, for Buthaina is a beauty
And I loved when you sang the melodies
٩. أُحِبُّ الأَيامى إِذ بُثَينَةُ أَيِّمٌ
وَأَحبَبتُ لَمّا أَن غَنيتِ الغَوانِيا
10. I love from the names what suits her name
And resembles it or is derived from it
١٠. أُحِبُّ مِنَ الأَسماءِ ما وافَقَ اِسمَها
وَأَشبَهَهُ أَو كانَ مِنهُ مُدانِيا
11. I wished for the love of life that it
Would be increased for it from my lifetime
١١. وَدِدتُ عَلى حُبِّ الحَياةِ لَوَ اَنَّها
يُزادُ لَها في عُمرِها مِن حَياتِيا
12. And you told me Taima is a dwelling place
For Layla when summer casts down the tents
١٢. وَأَخبِرتُماني أَنَّ تَيماءَ مَنزِلٌ
لِلَيلى إِذا ما الصَيفُ أَلقى المَراسِيا
13. So these are the months of summer, from us they have passed
Why does the passion throw Layla with missiles?
١٣. فَهَذي شُهورُ الصَيفِ عَنّا قَدِ اِنقَضَت
فَما لِلنَوى تَرمي بِلَيلى المَرامِيا
14. You who, if you wish, make my life miserable
And if you wish, after God, make me comfortable
١٤. وَأَنتِ الَّتي إِن شِئتِ أَشقَيتِ عيشَتي
وَإِن شِئتِ بَعدَ اللَهَ أَنعَمتِ بالِيا
15. You, from whom neither a friend nor enemy
Sees the brightness you left except they eulogized me
١٥. وَأَنتِ الَّتي ما مِن صَديقٍ وَلا عِداً
يَرى نِضوَ ما أَبقَيتِ إِلّا رَثى لِيا
16. And you did not cease with me, O Buthaina, until if
I cry from passion, the pigeons cry for me
١٦. وَما زِلتِ بي يا بَثنَ حَتّى لَوَ اَنَّني
مِنَ الوَجدِ أَستَبكي الحَمامَ بَكى لِيا
17. If my foot goes numb and they say a cure for it
Is the prayer of a beloved, you were my prayer
١٧. إِذا خَدِرَت رِجلي وَقيلَ شِفاؤُها
دُعاءُ حَبيبٍ كُنتِ أَنتِ دُعائِيا
18. When a snakebite is cured by an amulet
Then your amulet has become, O Buthaina, my cure
١٨. إِذا ما لَديغٌ أَبرَأَ الحَليُ داءَهُ
فَحَليُكِ أَمسى يا بُثَينَةُ دائِيا
19. Neither did distance, the separator between us, cause
Hard-heartedness, nor did long companionship cause disdain
١٩. وَما أَحدَثَ النَأيُ المُفَرِّقُ بَينَنا
سُلُوّاً وَلا طولُ اِجتِماعٍ تَقالِيا
20. Nor did the slanderers increase me except in passion
Nor the multitude of critics except in persistence
٢٠. وَلا زادَني الواشونَ إِلّا صَبابَةً
وَلا كَثرَةُ الواشينَ إِلّا تَمادِيا
21. Do you not know, O sweet of saliva, that I
Remain in gloom if I do not see your face as a confidant
٢١. أَلَم تَعلَمي يا عَذبَةَ الريقِ أَنَّني
أَظَلُّ إِذا لَم أَلقَ وَجهَكِ صادِيا
22. Indeed, I feared that death would take me suddenly
While desires for you remain as they are
٢٢. لَقَد خِفتُ أَن أَلقى المَنِيَّةَ بَغتَةً
وَفي النَفسِ حاجاتٌ إِلَيكِ كَما هِيا
23. And meeting you makes me forget, whenever
I see you one day, to tell you what is in me
٢٣. وَإِنّي لَيُنسيني لِقاؤُكِ كُلَّما
لَقيتُكِ يَوماً أَن أَبُثَّكِ ما بِيا