1. Buthaina says, when she saw
Strands of red hair:
ูก. ุชููููู ุจูุซููููุฉู ููู
ูุง ุฑูุฃูุช
ูููููุงู ู
ููู ุงูุดูุนูุฑู ุงูุฃูุญู
2. โMy beauty is gone, and youth has passed away.โ
So I said: โButhaina, make it brief!
ูข. ููุจูุฑุชู ุฌูู
ููู ููุฃููุฏู ุงูุดูุจุงุจู
ูููููุชู ุจูุซูููู ุฃููุง ููุงููุตูุฑู
3. Have you forgotten our days in al-Liwaโ,
And our days among the large-eyed gazelles?
ูฃ. ุฃูุชููุณููู ุฃูููุงู
ููุง ุจูุงููููู
ููุง ุจูุฐููู ุงูุฃูุฌููุฑู
4. Donโt you remember seeing me once
On nights when we were in Dhi Juhur,
ูค. ุฃูู
ุง ูููุชู ุฃูุจุตูุฑุชููู ู
ูููุงูููู ููุญูู ุจูุฐู ุฌููููุฑู
5. Nights when you were our neighboursโ
Oh, do you not remember? Remember!
ูฅ. ูููุงูููู ุฃููุชูู
ูููุง ุฌูุฑูุฉู
ุฃููุง ุชูุฐููุฑููู ุจููู ููุงูุฐููุฑู
6. When I was in the freshness of youth
I would let down my cloak, and my sash,
ูฆ. ููุฅูุฐ ุฃููุง ุฃูุบููุฏู ุบูุถูู ุงูุดูุจุงุจู
ุฃูุฌูุฑูู ุงูุฑูุฏุงุกู ู
ูุนู ุงูู
7. And my plaits were like a ravenโs wings,
Scented with musk and ambergris.
ูง. ููุฅูุฐ ููู
ููุชู ููุฌููุงุญู ุงูุบูุฑุงุจู
ุชูุฑูุฌูููู ุจูุงูู
ูุณูู ููุงูุนููุจูุฑู
8. But what you know has changedโ
Changed like these wicked times.
ูจ. ููุบููููุฑู ุฐููููู ู
ุง ุชูุนููู
ุชูุบููููุฑู ุฐุง ุงูุฒูู
ููู ุงูู
9. Youโre like a pearl of the sea
That did not squeeze out its juice of youth.
ูฉ. ููุฃููุชู ููููุคููุคูุฉู ุงูู
ุงุกู ุดูุจุงุจููู ููู
10. Soon both our tents will be folded away.
So how is it I have grown old when you have not?โ
ูกู . ููุฑูุจุงูู ู
ูุฑุจูุนููุง ูุงุญูุฏู
ููููููู ููุจูุฑุชู ููููู