
Oh if only the fresh days of youth would return anew

ألا ليت ريعان الشباب جديد

1. Oh if only the fresh days of youth would return anew
And time that has passed would come back, O Buthayna

١. أَلا لَيتَ رَيعانَ الشَبابِ جَديدُ
وَدَهراً تَوَلّى يا بُثَينَ يَعودُ

2. So we could remain as we were, while you
Stay close, though now when you are affectionate it is trifling

٢. فَنَبقى كَما كُنّا نَكونُ وَأَنتُمُ
قَريبٌ وَإِذ ما تَبذُلينَ زَهيدُ

3. Nothing makes me forget but the memory of our love
Though she drew near, she denied affection entirely

٣. وَما أَنسَ مِنَ الأَشياءِ لا أَنسَ قَولَها
وَقَد قُرِّبَت نَضوي أَمِصرَ تُريدُ

4. And not her memory, but for the eyes that see
I would have visited you, so forgive me, your ancestors ransom me

٤. وَلا قَولَها لَولا العُيونُ الَّتي تَرى
لَزُرتُكَ فَاِعذُرني فَدَتكَ جُدودُ

5. My darling, no sorrow remains hidden within me
And my tears bear witness to what grief I conceal in the morning

٥. خَليلَيَّ ما أَلقى مِنَ الوَجدِ باطِنٌ
وَدَمعي بِما أُخفي الغَداةَ شَهيدُ

6. Indeed, by God, I see that many tears
Will flow when the house parts between us

٦. أَلا قَد أَرى وَاللَهِ أَن رُبَّ عُبرَةٍ
إِذا الدار شَطَّت بَينَنا سَتَزيدُ

7. When I say I have no illness, O killer of me
She says, "It is certain and will increase"

٧. إِذا قُلتُ ما بي يا بُثَينَةُ قاتِلي
مِنَ الحُبِّ قالَت ثابِتٌ وَيَزيدُ

8. And if I say, "Give me back some of my reason that I may live by it"
She turns away and says, "That is far from you"

٨. وَإِن قُلتُ رُدّي بَعضَ عَقلي أَعِش بِهِ
تَوَلَّت وَقالَت ذاكَ مِنكَ بَعيدُ

9. So neither am I turned back from what I came seeking
Nor does her love for what perishes, perish

٩. فَلا أَنا مَردودٌ بِما جِئتُ طالِباً
وَلا حُبُّها فيما يَبيدُ يَبيدُ

10. May you be rewarded with safety, O Buthayna
When the beloved stays away, and he is praiseworthy

١٠. جَزَتْكِ الجَوازي يا بُثَينَ سَلامَةً
إِذا ما خَليلٌ بانَ وَهُوَ حَميدُ

11. And I said to her, "Know between me and you
There is a covenant with God and vows"

١١. وَقُلْتُ لَها بَيني وَبَينَكِ فَاِعلَمي
مِنَ اللَهِ ميثاقٌ لَهُ وَعُهودُ

12. Your love was beautiful and lasted long
For love is only beautiful and lasting

١٢. وَقَد كانَ حُبّيكُم طَريفاً وَتالِداً
وَما الحُبُّ إِلّا طارِفٌ وَتَليدُ

13. And the circumstances of union between her and I
Though she made it easy with affection, are difficult

١٣. وَإِنَّ عَروضَ الوَصلِ بَيني وَبَينَها
وَإِن سَهَّلَتهُ بِالمُنى لَكَؤودُ

14. I wasted my life waiting for her promise
And in her I wasted time, though it was new

١٤. وَأَفنَيتُ عُمري بِاِنتِظارِيَ وَعدَها
وَأَبلَيتُ فيها الدَهرَ وَهوَ جَديدُ

15. If only the slanderers of people between her and I
Were given deadly poison to drink until they were sated

١٥. فَلَيتَ وُشاةَ الناسِ بَيني وَبَينَها
يَدوفُ لَهُم سُمّاً طَماطِمُ سودُ

16. And if only they were, every dusk and dawn
Laden with shackles and chains in multitude

١٦. وَلَيتَهُمُ في كُلِّ ممسىً وَشارِقٍ
تُضاعفُ أَكبالٌ لَهُم وَقُيودُ

17. And loose women think when I come to them
That I want them, though between them lies a great distance

١٧. وَيَحسَبُ نِسوانٌ مِنَ الجَهلِ أَنَّني
إِذا جِئتُ إِيّاهُنَّ كُنتُ أُريدُ

18. So I glance at them equally, yet inside
There is vast emptiness between them

١٨. فَأَقسِمُ طَرفي بَينَهُنَّ فَيَستَوي
وَفي الصَدرِ بَونٌ بَينَهُنَّ بَعيدُ

19. Oh if only I knew! Did they spend a night
In Wadi al-Qura? Then I would be happy!

١٩. أَلا لَيتَ شِعري هَل أَبيتَنَّ لَيلَةً
بِوادي القُرى إِنّي إِذَن لَسَعيدُ

20. Did they descend upon a land whose winds
Stir its twisting ravines?

٢٠. وَهَل أَهبِطَن أَرضاً تَظَلُّ رِياحُها
لَها بِالثَنايا القاوِياتِ وَئيدُ

21. Did they find happiness from fate even once?
Has any fresh rope of purity remained?

٢١. وَهَل أَلقَيَن سُعدى مِنَ الدَهرِ مَرَّةً
وَما رَثَّ مِن حَبلِ الصَفاءِ جَديدُ

22. For the separated may reunite after parting
And far off hopes may be attained

٢٢. وَقَد تَلتَقي الأَشتاتُ بَعدَ تَفَرُّقٍ
وَقَد تُدرَكُ الحاجاتُ وَهيَ بَعيدُ

23. Did they curb a restive, muscular, impetuous mare
With a rupture that competes with arrowheads in speed?

٢٣. وَهَل أَزجُرَن حَرفاً عَلاةً شِمِلَّةً
بِخَرقٍ تُباريها سواهِمُ قودُ

24. On the back of a frightened horse whose balking
When it crosses the road seems stumbling

٢٤. عَلى ظَهرِ مَرهوبٍ كَأَنَّ نَشوزَهُ
إِذا جازَ هُلّاكُ الطَريقِ رُقودُ

25. They captivated me with large, dark eyes amidst a litter
With a chest like an empty waterskin and prominent collarbone

٢٥. سَبَتني بِعَينَي جُؤذُرٍ وَسطَ رَبرَبٍ
وَصَدرٌ كَفاثورِ اللُجَينِ وَجيدُ

26. Swaying as she swayed to her ancestors
Flaunting, the edges of her cloak fluttering

٢٦. تَزيفُ كَما زافَت إِلى سَلِفاتِها
مُباهِيَةٌ طَيَّ الوِشاحِ مَيودُ

27. When I come to her one day
The one who rejects, spurns, and is rude appears

٢٧. إِذا جِئتُها يَوماً مِنَ الدَهرِ زائِراً
تَعَرَّضَ مَنفوضُ اليَدَينِ صَدودُ

28. He prevents, ignores my passion, and accuses me
Of sins against her - he is truly stubborn

٢٨. يَصُدّ وَيُغضي عَن هَوايَ وَيَجتَني
ذَنوباً عَلَيها إِنَّهُ لَعَنودُ

29. So I avoid her fearfully as if estranged
And he overlooks us once, so we return

٢٩. فَأَصرِمُها خَوفاً كَأَنّي مُجانِبٌ
وَيَغفلُ عَنّا مَرَّةً فَنَعودُ

30. Whoever is matched with the likes of her in life
Is rightly guided in the livelihood of life

٣٠. وَمَن يُعطَ في الدُنيا قَريناً كَمِثلِها
فَذَلِكَ في عَيشِ الحَياةِ رَشيدُ

31. Passion for her dies in me when I meet her
And lives when I leave her, so it returns

٣١. يَموتُ الهَوى مِنّي إِذا ما لَقيتُها
وَيَحيا إِذا فارَقتُها فَيَعودُ

32. They say, "Struggle, O beautiful one, with a raid!"
But what struggle do I want other than them?

٣٢. يَقولونَ جاهِد يا جَميلُ بِغَزوَةٍ
وَأَيَّ جِهادٍ غَيرُهُنَّ أُريدُ

33. For every conversation between them there is cheerfulness
And every fallen one with them is a martyr

٣٣. لِكُلِّ حَديثٍ بَينَهُنَّ بَشاشَةٌ
وَكُلُّ قَتيلٍ عِندَهُنَّ شَهيدُ

34. The best of my days and most pleasant living
Is when one stirs me while they are sitting

٣٤. وَأَحسَنُ أَيّامي وَأَبهَجُ عيشَتي
إِذا هيجَ بي يَوماً وَهُنَّ قُعودُ

35. I remembered Layla, so my heart is firm
And forgot other than her, so the pilgrimage is far

٣٥. تَذَكَّرتُ لَيلى فَالفُؤادُ عَميدُ
وَشَطَّت نَواها فَالمَزارُ بَعيدُ

36. I tied passion for her as an infant, so it never ceased
To this day, her love grows and increases

٣٦. عَلِقتُ الهَوى مِنها وَليداً فَلَم يَزَل
إِلى اليَومِ يَنمي حُبُّها وَيَزيدُ

37. When misers are mentioned, I remember her
And when stinginess - I say she will be generous

٣٧. فَما ذُكِرَ الخلّانُ إِلّا ذَكَرتُها
وَلا البُخلُ إِلّا قُلتُ سَوفَ تَجودُ

38. When she thought, she said, "I have attained his love
And my stinginess did not harm me, so why would I be generous?"

٣٨. إِذا فَكَّرَت قالَت قَدِ اِدرَكتُ وُدَّهُ
وَما ضَرَّني بُخلي فَكَيفَ أَجودُ

39. If her conscience were revealed, a hidden love would be found beneath
For Buthayna, beautiful and lasting

٣٩. فَلَو تُكشَفُ الأَحشاءُ صودِفَ تَحتُها
لبَثنَةَ حُبٌّ طارِفٌ وَتَليدُ

40. Do you not know, O mother of farewell, that I
Laugh when you are remembered and you are aloof?

٤٠. أَلَم تَعلَمي يا أُمَّ ذي الوَدعِ أَنَّني
أُضاحِكُ ذِكراكُم وَأَنتِ صَلودُ

41. Did Buthayna meet a companion one night
Who was generous to us with his love, so we were generous?

٤١. فَهَل أَلقَيَن فَرداً بُثَينَةَ لَيلَةً
تَجودُ لَنا مِن وُدِّها وَنَجودُ

42. Whoever competes with me in love of Buthayna
The bright star is a martyr to me

٤٢. وَمَن كانَ في حُبّي بُثَينَةَ يَمتَري
فَبَرقاءُ ذي ضالٍ عَلَيَّ شَهيدُ