1. O my friend, be brief in reproaching me,
For meeting is the mother of contentment.
١. يا صاحِ عَن بَعضِ المَلامَةِ أَقصِرِ
إِنَّ المُنى للِقاء أُمّ المِسوَرِ
2. As if its morning were upon the decline of mortal life,
And the star has come near its setting.
٢. وَكَأَنَّ طارِقَها عَلى علَلِ الكَرى
وَالنَجمُ وَهناً قَد دَنا لِتَغورِ
3. It breathes the aroma of a sweet wine,
Mixed with pure musk or ambergris.
٣. يَستافُ ريحَ مَدامَةٍ مَعجونَةٍ
بِذَكِيِّ مِسكٍ أَو سَحيقِ العَنبَرِ
4. I keep your absence though it pleases me
If you knew I remember you virtuously.
٤. إِنّي لَأَحفَظُ غَيبَكُم وَيَسُرُّني
لَو تَعلَمينَ بِصالِح أَن تُذكَري
5. A day will come when I see no messenger from you,
Or we meet in it after months.
٥. وَيَكونُ يَومٌ لا أَرى لَكِ مُرسَلاً
أَو نَلتَقي فيهِ عَلَي كَأَشهُرِ
6. Would that I met sudden death,
If the day of meeting you was not decreed.
٦. يا لَيتَني أَلقى المَنِيَّةَ بغتَةً
إِن كانَ يَومُ لِقائِكُم لَم يقدرِ
7. Or I could pretend to forget you,
Then some of my youthful folly would awaken and reflect.
٧. أَو أَستَطيعُ تَجَلُّداً عَن ذِكرِكُم
فَيفيقُ بَعضُ صَبابَتي وَتُفَكِّري
8. If you knew how I suffer from passion,
You would excuse me or wrong me if you did not excuse.
٨. لَو تَعلَمينَ بِما أُجِنُّ مِنَ الهَوى
لَعَذَرتِ أَو لَظَلَمتِ إِن لَم تَعذِري
9. By God, the heart knows nothing about it
Except suspicions and reports of the informer.
٩. وَاللَهِ ما لِلقَلبِ مِن عِلمٍ بِها
غَيرُ الظُنونِ وَغَيرُ قَولِ المُخبِرِ
10. Think not that I abandoned you willingly,
By your life, it is strange that you are abandoned!
١٠. لا تَحسَبي أَنّي هَجَرتُكِ طائِعاً
حَدَثٌ لَعَمرُكِ رائِعٌ أَن تُهجَري
11. The wailing women will weep for me if I reveal
One day your secret, though I am not excused.
١١. وَلَتَبكِيَنّي الباكِياتُ وَإِن أَبُح
يَوماً بِسِرِّكِ مُعلِناً لَم أُعذَرِ
12. My heart loves you as long as I live, so if I die
My reverberation follows your reverberation between the graves.
١٢. يَهواكِ ما عِشتُ الفُؤادُ فَإِن أَمُت
يَتبَع صَدايَ صَداكِ بَينَ الأَقبُرِ
13. To you, with what you promised for our meeting, I look
The look of the destitute to the wealthy man of plenty.
١٣. إِنّي إِلَيكِ بِما وَعَدتِ لناظِرٌ
نَظَرَ الفَقيرِ إِلى الغَنِيِّ المُكثِرِ
14. Debts are paid, but this debtor to us
Does not fulfill his promise, yet he is not insolvent.
١٤. تُقضى الدُيونُ وَلَيسَ يُنجِزُ مَوعِداً
هَذا الغَريمُ لَنا وَلَيسَ بِمُعسِرِ
15. You and the promise with which you make promises to me
Are but like the lightning of a cloud that did not rain.
١٥. ما أَنتِ وَالوَعد الَّذي تَعِديني
إِلّا كَبَرقِ سَحابَةٍ لَم تُمطِرِ
16. I warned my heart, but it rejected my warning,
So when did I estrange it, that you have multiplied?
١٦. قَلبي نَصَحتُ لَهُ فَرَدَّ نَصيحَتي
فَمَتى هَجَرتيهِ فَمِنهُ تَكَثَّري