
I think her love has left me lost

أظن هواها تاركي بمضلة

1. I think her love has left me lost
With no possessions or family on earth

١. أَظنُّ هَواها تارِكي بِمضلةٍ
مِن الأَرضِ لا مالٌ لديَّ ولا أَهلُ

2. May God erase the love of her like before
And may what was not permissible become permitted

٢. مَحا اللَّهُ حبَّ الأُلى كنّ قَبلها
وَحَلَّت مَكاناً لَم يَكن حُلَّ مِن قَبلُ