1. And I said to her, though blameless, you fell ill,
And the worst of people is the miserly sick one,
١. وَقُلتُ لَها اِعتَلَلتِ بِغَيرِ ذَنبٍ
وَشَرّ الناسِ ذو العِلَلِ البَخيلُ
2. So I deferred to the judgment of my family,
And my family does not deviate or lean.
٢. فَفاتيني إِلى حَكَمٍ مِنَ اَهلي
وَأَهلِكِ لا يَحيفُ وَلا يَميلُ
3. She said, I want the judgment of my family,
While the talebearing spy does not know about us.
٣. فَقالَت أَبتَغي حَكَماً مِنَ اَهلي
وَلا يَدري بِنا الواشي المَحولُ
4. So we entrusted the judgment to one of gloomy disposition,
A worldly brother with little dignity.
٤. فَوَلَّينا الحُكومَةَ ذا سُجوفٍ
أَخاً دِنيا لَهُ طَرفٌ كَليلُ
5. We said, whatever you judge we accept,
And you for what you judge are guarantor.
٥. فَقُلنا ما قَضَيتَ بِهِ رَضينا
وَأَنتَ بِما قَضَيتَ بِهِ كَفيلُ
6. Your judgment prevails so judge us
As you wish and your view does not fail.
٦. قَضاؤُكَ نافِذٌ فَاِحكُم عَلَينا
بِما تَهوى وَرَأيُكَ لا يَفيلُ
7. And I said to him, I'm killed though innocent,
While the darkness of injustice is its pasture and ruins.
٧. وَقُلتُ لَهُ قُتِلتُ بِغَيرِ جُرمٍ
وَغِبُّ الظُلمِ مَرتَعُهُ وَبيلُ
8. So ask her when she will pay my debts,
Can one so chronically ill pay?
٨. فَسَل هَذي مَتى تَقضي دُيوني
وَهَل يَقضيكَ ذو العِلَلِ المَطولُ
9. She said, this is a lie and falsehood,
And worse than disputing him at length.
٩. فَقالَت إِنَّ ذا كَذِبٌ وَبُطلٌ
وَشَرٌّ مِن خُصومَتِهِ طَويلُ
10. Shall I kill him when I have no weapon?
If I were to fight him, I have no might.
١٠. أَأَقتُلَهُ وَما لي مِن سِلاحٍ
وَما بي لَو أُقاتِلَهُ حَويلُ
11. I took no money from him, so how
Can he claim a debt on me as he states?
١١. وَلَم آخُذ لَهُ مالاً فَيُلفى
لَهُ دَينٌ عَلَيَّ كَما يَقولُ
12. With our ruler is justice and equity,
And insight after that is sublime.
١٢. وَعِندَ أَميرِنا حُكمٌ وَعَدلٌ
وَرَأيٌ بَعدَ ذَلِكُمُ أَصيلُ
13. So our ruler said produce witnesses.
I said our witness is the Majestic King.
١٣. فَقالَ أَميرُنا هاتوا شُهوداً
فَقُلتُ شَهيدُنا المَلِكُ الجَليلُ
14. He said her oath - and so I judge,
And all his judgments are good and beautiful.
١٤. فَقالَ يَمينَها وَبِذاكَ أَقضي
وَكُلُّ قَضائِهِ حَسَنٌ جَميلُ
15. She swore an oath - I have no claim against her,
No complaint I made nor wick I lit.
١٥. فَبَتَّت حَلفَةً ما لي لَدَيها
نَقيرٌ أَدَّعيهِ وَلا فَتيلُ
16. I said to her, though defeat hurts,
Will no judgment for us be made, O daughter of rags?
١٦. فَقُلتُ لَها وَقَد غُلِبَ التَعَزّي
أَما يُقضى لَنا يا بَثنَ سولُ
17. She frowned her brows and said, you've talked so long
Yet in nothing can you make long your tale.
١٧. فَقالَت ثُمَّ زَجَّت حاجِبَيها
أَطَلتَ وَلَستَ في شَيءٍ تُطيلُ
18. Let not the enemies find you by me
And make me stumble and you as well.
١٨. فَلا يَجِدَنَّكَ الأَعداءُ عِندي
فَتَثكَلَني وَإِيّاكَ الثَكولُ