
If only the beautiful Jamīl today would chance to see us

وهما قالتا لو ان جميلا

1. If only the beautiful Jamīl today would chance to see us
While we two saw him working the text, making it flow smoothly

١. وَهُما قالَتا لَوَ اَنَّ جَميلاً
عَرَضَ اليَومَ نَظرَةً فَرَآنا

2. She glanced toward her companion, then said:
He has come upon us, and we knew not he was near

٢. بَينَما ذاكَ مِنهُما رَأَتاني
أُعمِلُ النَصَّ سَيرَةً زَفيانا

٣. نَظَرَت نَحوَ تِربِها ثُمَّ قالَت
قَد أَتانا وَما عَلِمنا مُنانا