
The Washites rejoiced that Buthaina cut off her rope to me,

لقد فرح الواشون أن صرمت حبلي

1. The Washites rejoiced that Buthaina cut off her rope to me,
Or showed to us her side of stinginess.

١. لَقَد فَرِحَ الواشونَ أَن صَرَمَت حَبلي
بُثَينَةُ أَو أَبدَت لَنا جانِبَ البُخلِ

2. They say, "Wait, O beautiful one," but I swear
I have no waiting for Buthaina.

٢. يَقولونَ مَهلاً يا جَميلُ وَإِنَّني
لَأُقسِمُ ما لي عَن بُثَينَةَ مِن مَهلِ

3. Was I forebearing? Yet the time for it had passed,
Or did I fear? Yet before this day I was promised death.

٣. أَحِلماً فَقَبلَ اليَوم كانَ أَوانُهُ
أَم اَخشى فَقَبلَ اليَومِ أوعِدتُ بِالقَتلِ

4. They married an ignorant, cunning, covetous girl,
Of delicate figure, soft cheek, having an allure.

٤. لَقَد أَنكَحوا جَهلاً نُبَيهاً ظَعينَةً
لَطيفَةَ طَيِّ الكَشحِ ذاتَ شَوىً خَدلِ

5. And how many times did we see a gossip
Carrying gossip about another, without using a hand or a foot.

٥. وَكَم قَد رَأَينا ساعِياً بِنَميمَةٍ
لآخَرَ لَم يَعمِد بِكَفٍّ وَلا رِجلِ

6. When we make up after what was between us,
Tears flowed from Buthaina's eyes with kohl.

٦. إِذا ما تَراجَعنا الَّذي كانَ بَينَنا
جَرى الدَمعُ مِن عَينَي بُثَينَةَ بِالكُحلِ

7. If my mind had stayed with me I would not have sought her,
But my seeking her was due to what had gone of my mind.

٧. وَلَو تَرَكَت عَقلي مَعي ما طَلَبتُها
وَلَكِن طِلابيها لِما فاتَ مِن عَقلي

8. So woe to my soul! Enough for my soul what it has,
And woe to my family! What has befallen my family.

٨. فَيا وَيحَ نَفسي حَسب نَفسي الَّذي بِها
وَيا وَيحَ أَهلي ما أُصيبَ بِهِ أَهلي

9. And she said to female companions who had no fins,
Short, whose breasts were not plump nor thick.

٩. وَقالَت لِأَترابٍ لَها لا زَعانِفٍ
قِصارٍ وَلا كُسَّ الثَنايا وَلا ثُعلِ

10. When the sun of day grew hot, they sought shade
With robes of silk brocade and embroidery bearing beauty.

١٠. إِذا حَمِيَت شَمسُ النَهارِ اِتَّقَينَها
بِأَكسِيَةِ الديباجِ وَالخَزّ ذي الحَملِ

11. Hastening with the one slow of gait, the pacing of a
Heavy female hyena in smooth lowland.

١١. تَداعَينَ فَاِستَعجَمنَ مَشياً بِذي الغَضا
دَبيبَ القَطا الكُدرِيُّ في الدَمِثِ السَهلِ

12. When she bellowed or was alarmed, they arose around her
Like the rising of the daughters of water on the shore.

١٢. إِذا اِرتَعنَ أَو فُزّعنَ قُمنَ حَوالَها
قِيامَ بَناتِ الماءِ في جانِبِ الضَحلِ

13. It seems I do not meet Buthaina once
In life except in fear or on the saddle.

١٣. أَرانِيَ لا أَلقى بُثَينَةَ مَرَّةً
مِنَ الدَهرِ إِلا خائِفاً أَو عَلى رَحلِ

14. O my two friends! In our life together, have you seen
One slain who wept for the love of his killer before me?

١٤. خَليلَيَّ فيما عِشتُما هَل رَأَيتُما
قَتيلاً بَكى مِن حُبِّ قاتِلِهِ قَبلي

15. I spent the night with the deadly one, a guest of her family,
While my family are near, generous, and noble.

١٥. أَبيتُ مَعَ الهُلّاكِ ضَيفاً لِأَهلِها
وَأَهلي قَريبٌ موسِعونَ ذَوُو فَضلِ

16. O house that we are prevented from reaching!
You are from a house and your people are from people.

١٦. أَلا أَيُّها البَيتُ الَّذي حيلَ دونَهُ
بِنا أَنتَ مِن بَيتٍ وَأَهلُكَ مِن أَهلِ

17. With us you are from a house, and around you is bliss,
And your shade - if only the cool smooth earth could be obtained.

١٧. بِنا أَنتَ مِن بَيتٍ وَحَولَكَ لَذَّةٌ
وَظِلُّكَ لَو يُسطاعُ بِالبارِدِ السَهلِ

18. Three verses - and the verse I love,
And two verses which are not of my passion or my form.

١٨. ثَلاثَةُ أَبياتٍ فَبَيت أُحِبُّهُ
وَبَيتانِ لَيسا مِن هَوايَ وَلا شَكلي

19. We both wept or almost wept youthfully
For his familiarity, and tears sprang forth before me.

١٩. كِلانا بَكى أَو كادَ يَبكي صَبابَةً
إِلى إِلفِهِ وَاِستَعجَلَت عَبرَةً قَبلي

20. My blamer! You have increased ignorance over blaming
Without any fault of mine or any blaming from me.

٢٠. أَعاذِلَتي أَكثَرتِ جَهلاً مِنَ العَذلِ
عَلى غَيرِ شَيءٍ مِن مَلامي وَمِن عَذلي

21. I distanced myself but the distance did not give me comfort,
And I did not get used to the long separation from a bosom friend.

٢١. نَأَيتُ فَلَم يُحدِث لِيَ النَأيُ سَلوَةً
وَلَم أُلفِ طولَ النَأيِ عَن خُلَّةٍ يُسلي

22. I am not inclined to freely give affection,
But she captivated me with coquetry and stinginess.

٢٢. وَلَستُ عَلى بَذلِ الصَفاءِ هَوَيتُها
وَلَكِن سَبَتني بِالدَلالِ وَبِالبُخلِ

23. Indeed, I do not see two with finer morals
Than myself and Jumayl in all the days of time.

٢٣. أَلا لا أَرى اِثنَين أَحسَنَ شيمَةً
عَلى حَدَثانِ الدَهرِ مِنّي وَمِن جُملِ

24. So if a sandal is found one day in misleading land,
Know that it is my sandal.

٢٤. فَإِن وُجِدَت نَعلٌ بِأَرضٍ مضِلَّةٍ
مِنَ الأَرضِ يَوماً فَاِعلَمي أَنَّها نَعلي