
Alas! For a heart that does not tire or languish!

ألا من لقلب لا يمل فيذهل

1. Alas! For a heart that does not tire or languish!
Look towards the horizon, for consolation from Buthaina is most beautiful.

١. أَلا مِن لِقَلبٍ لا يَمُلُّ فَيَذهَلُ
أَفِق فَالتَعَزّي عَن بُثَينَةَ أَجمَلُ

2. Greetings to all beloved ones whose places I have come to know,
While you remain there until death's appointed time.

٢. سَلا كُلُّ ذي وُدٍّ عَلِمتُ مَكانَهُ
وَأَنتَ بِها حَتّى المَماتِ مُوَكَّلُ

3. Not like this did you love those before her,
Nor in times past did you behave this way.

٣. فَما هَكَذا أَحبَبتَ مَن كانَ قَبلُها
وَلا هَكَذا فيما مَضى كُنتَ تَفعَلُ

4. Help me endure the piercing of ardent love that you used to ask for
In the night they returned their revilements and endured patiently

٤. أَعِن ظُعُنِ الحَيِّ الأُلى كُنتَ تَسأَلُ
بِلَيلٍ فَرَدّوا عيرَهُم وَتَحَمَّلوا

5. So they became the people of the dwellings by morning and
The ravens in the abode became anxious.

٥. فَأَمسوا وَهُم أَهلُ الدِيارِ وَأَصبَحوا
وَمِن أَهلِها الغِربانُ بِالدارِ تَحجِلُ

6. At the time when authority turned away from us and
The rod of separation flourished and hoped-for reconciliation sprouted.

٦. عَلى حينَ وَلّى الأَمرُ عَنّا وَأَسمَحَت
عَصا البَينِ وَاِنبَتَّ الرَجاءُ المُؤَمَّلُ

7. And days have left in me, because of the hostility,
A blade that severs when it strikes.

٧. وَقَد أَبقَتِ الأَيّامُ مِنّي عَلى العِدى
حُساماً إِذا مَسَّ الضَريبَةَ يَفصِلُ

8. I am not like one who, if he feels injury, submits,
Nor one whom fate has bitten and who recoils.

٨. وَلَستُ كَمَن إِن سيمَ ضَيماً أَطاعَهُ
وَلا كَاِمرِئٍ إِن عَضَّهُ الدَهرُ يَنكُلُ

9. By my life, separation has shown me its aspect
And made clear what I would want, had I any sense.

٩. لَعُمري لَقَد أَبدى لِيَ البَينُ صَفحَةُ
وَبَيَّنَ لي ما شِئتَ لَو كُنتُ أَعقِلُ

10. And the last time I saw Buthaina was a gaze
At a stance that nearly killed me from the separation.

١٠. وَآخِرُ عَهدي مِن بُثَينَةَ نَظرَةٌ
عَلى مَوقِفٍ كادَت مِنَ البَينِ تَقتُلُ

11. So God bless he who saw the like of an ardour
I concealed though my soul chafed from it.

١١. فَلِلَّهِ عَينا مَن رَأى مِثلُ حاجَةٍ
كَتَمتُكِها وَالنَفسُ مِنها تَمَلمَلُ

12. I weep when love for you is recalled
And I am made abject by passion for you.

١٢. وَإِنّي لَأَستَبكي إِذا ذُكِرَ الهَوى
إِلَيكِ وَإِنّي مَن هَواكِ لَأَوجِلُ

13. I looked with a joyous mien, a look which left me
Shedding copious tears while my eyes grew dark.

١٣. نَظَرتُ بِبِشرٍ نَظرَةً ظَلتُ أَمتَري
بِها عَبرَةً وَالعَينُ بِالدَمعِ تُكحَلُ

14. When I glance her way it returns the glance
Damp with tears welling forth.

١٤. إِذا ما كَرَرتُ الطَرفَ نَحوَكِ رَدَّهُ
مِنَ البُعدِ فَيّاضٌ مِنَ الدَمعِ يَهمِلُ

15. So heart, leave off thoughts of Buthaina though
You love her, fretting and miserly.

١٥. فَيا قَلبُ دَع ذِكرى بُثَينَةَ إِنَّها
وَإِن كُنتَ تَهواها تَضَنَّ وَتَبخَلُ

16. A canal of bitters not above its banks
With naught beneath it but brackish seepage.

١٦. قَناةٌ مِنَ المُرّانِ ما فَوقَ حَقوِها
وَما تَحتَهُ مِنها نَقاً يَتَهَيَّلُ

17. I have despaired of attaining her and frowned gloomily
For despair, if attainment lacks, is best.

١٧. وَقَد أَيأَسَت مِن نَيلِها وَتَجَهَّمَت
وَلَليَأسُ إِن لَم يُقدَرِ النَيلُ أَمثَلُ

18. Unless you ask her before she is far off
And spare her when asked, once distant.

١٨. وَإِلّا فَسَلها نائِلاً قَبلَ بَينِها
وَأَبخِل بِها مَسؤولَةً حينَ تُسأَلُ

19. How can you hope for union after such distance
When the rope of union is cut by the one you hope for?

١٩. وَكَيفَ تُرَجّي وَصلَها بَعدَ بُعدِها
وَقَد جُذَّ حَبلُ الوَصلِ مِمَّن تُؤَمِّلُ

20. She whom you loved is now beyond reach
So be resolute and turn elsewhere, O resolved one.

٢٠. وَإِنَّ الَّتي أَحبَبتَ قَد حيلَ دونَها
فَكُن حازِماً وَالحازِمُ المُتَحَوِّلُ

21. In despair there is consolation, amongst people there are friends,
And on earth, a refuge from those who do you no good.

٢١. فَفي اليَأسِ ما يُسلي وَفي الناسِ خُلَّةٌ
وَفي الأَرضِ عَمَّن لا يُؤاتيكَ مَعزِلُ

22. Coolness from me towards her was burdensome for her
And the hidden torment of ardour is best.

٢٢. بَدا كَلَفٌ مِنّي بِها فَتَثاقَلَت
وَما لا يُرى مِن غائِبِ الوَجدِ أَفضَلُ

23. Excuse me, attained by darkness,
Whether innocent or culpable, seeking respite.

٢٣. هَبيني بَريئاً نِلتِهِ بِظُلامَةٍ
عَفاها لَكُم أَو مُذنِباً يَتَنَصَّلُ