1. Return the water when it comes pure in its streams,
And leave it when its veins are muddied.
١. رَدِ الماءَ ما جاءَت بِصَفوٍ ذَنائِبُه
وَدَعهُ إِذا خيضَت بِطَرقٍ مَشارِبُه
2. I reproach whoever's reproach is sweet to me,
And shun whoever I don't desire.
٢. أُعاتِبُ مَن يَحلو لَدَيَّ عِتابُهُ
وَأَترُكُ مَن لا أَشتَهي وَأُجانِبُه
3. And from the bliss of life, even if you are unjust,
Embracing you oppressed, while you reproach me.
٣. وَمِن لَذَّةِ الدُنيا وَإِن كُنتَ ظالِماً
عِناقُكَ مَظلوماً وَأَنتَ تُعاتِبُه