1. Gada's tears shattered the heart
I wonder what ails her, what grieves her
١. غادة حطّم الفؤاد بكاها
ليت شعري ما بالها ما دهاها
2. God granted her beauty but did not protect it
I wish He had not granted it to her
٢. قد حباها اللَه الجمال ولكن
لم يصنه يا ليته ما حباها
3. She stood by that sandy shore at night
Voicing her complaints
٣. وقفت حول ذلك الشاطيء
الرملي ليلا تبثّه شكواها
4. Her whimpers turned into moans
When her eyelids dried from excessive weeping
٤. واستحال الإعوال فيها أنينا
حين جفّت من فرطه مقلتاها
5. At times she pounds her chest and at others
Rips her clothes until, exhausted,
٥. تلطم الصدر تارة وتشق
الجيب أخرى حتى إذا أعياها
6. She converses with the stars in the sky
And confides in the crescent, her brother, in the stillness of night
٦. سامرت أنجم السماء وناجت
بسكون الدجى الهلال أخاها
7. Despair fills her heart, oh my sorrow
And anguish quenched her soul and winked at it
٧. ملأ اليأس قلبها يا لحزني
والآسى شفّ روحها وبراها
8. She calls but people pay her no heed
My God, why don’t You answer her call
٨. وتنادي والناس لاهون عنها
يا إلهي هلا أجبت نداها
9. No dear one feels sorry for her
No friend consoles her grief and relieves it
٩. لا قريب حنا عليها ولا
خل شفيق بحزنها واساها
10. The night opened its chest to the Pleiades
And the wave wept in pity for her youth
١٠. فتح الليل صدره لثريا
وبكى الموج رحمة لصباها
11. The passion that possessed me possessed her
So her lover abandoned her and was unfaithful
١١. أدهاها من الهوى ما دهاني
فقلاها حبيبها واجتواها
12. Or did he discard her as my era discarded me
With its calamities? I wish it had not discarded her
١٢. أم رماها كما رماني زماني
بعواديه ليته ما رماها
13. My feelings led me to the girl
My soul garnered what weakened it
١٣. فحداني إلى الفتاة شعور
لاقت الروح منه ما أضناها
14. I quickened my steps toward her on the wings
Of night while people slept so I could see her
١٤. فحثثت الخطى إليها بجنح
الليل والناس نوّم لأراها
15. And there I was before a maiden
Who told the myrtle about her overwhelming sorrow, her cheeks
١٥. فإذا بي أمام عذراء تحكي
الورس من فرط حزنها وجنتاها
16. She invited me to come closer to her
After her eyes had reddened and brimmed with tears
١٦. فدعتني إلى الدنوّ إليها
بعد لأي واغرورقت عيناها
17. Where I saw a skeleton of bones
Shattered by destiny - how cruel it was!
١٧. حيث شاهدت هيكلا من عظام
حطّمته الأقدار ما أقساها
18. A look that cut the ties of my heart
Please, friend, tell me about her footing
١٨. نظرة قطّعت نياط فؤادي
إن تسلني يا صاح عن عقباها
19. The bitter days made her drink saber
And quenched my thirst - how could I not feel sorry for her?
١٩. جرّعتها الأيّام صابا مريرا
وسقتني فكيف لا أرعاها
20. My grieving heart forgot its own grief
After sharing the girl’s grief
٢٠. ونسى قلبي الحزين أساه
بعد ما شاطر الفتاة أساها
21. I dried her tears and dried my own tears
And asked the maiden what grieved her
٢١. كفكفت دمعها وكفكفت دمعي
وسألت العذراء عما دهاها
22. So she complained about the injustice of her mother and father
May God destroy her mother and father
٢٢. فشكت ظلم أمها وأبيها
قاتل اللَه أمها وأباها
23. They burdened her, woe to her, with a heavy load
She buckled under its weight so they buckled her
٢٣. حمّلاها ويلاه عبئا ثقيلا
رزحت تحته فلم حمّلاها
24. They forced her into marriage with an old
Man just because he was wealthy – so they forced her
٢٤. أرغماها على الزواج بشيخ
ذي ثراء من أجل ذا أرغماها
25. They set the date for the wedding so she came
To mourn her luck when her hope was dashed
٢٥. حدّدا موعد الزفاف فجاءت
تندب الحظ حين خاب رجاها
26. The face of that wrinkled old man
Struck fear in her heart and extinguished her youth
٢٦. وجه ذاك الشيخ المجعد ألقى
الرعب في قلبها وأطفا سناها
27. Is it just for a wealthy man
To marry a young girl – where, oh where, is her youth?
٢٧. أمن العدل أن تزفّ ثريّا
لعجوز فأين أين فتاها
28. It is unjust that she share her den
With someone who was the source of her agony
٢٨. فمن الظلم أن تشاطره العي
ش وقد كان مصدرا لشقاها
29. It is unjust that she be led to someone
Whose voice her ears cannot bear
٢٩. ومن الظلم أن تساق إلى من
صوته لا تطيقه أذناها
30. It is unfair that she touch a cheek
That has wrinkles like his cheek
٣٠. ومن الغبن أن تلامس خدّاً
ذا غضون كخده خدّاها
31. It is unfair that a withered hand
Fondle her plump hand like his
٣١. ومن الغبن أن يداعب في كفّ
نحيل ككفّه نهداها
32. It is unfair that she kiss a mouth
That is empty like his mouth
٣٢. ومن الغبن أن تقبل ثغرا
خاويا مثل ثغره شفتاها
33. It is unfair that an old man flirt
With her bosom when his sideburns are graying
٣٣. ومن الغبن أن ترفّ على فودي
عجوز كحامد خصلتاها
34. It is unfair that he puts a necklace
Around her smooth neck that is like his forearm
٣٤. ومن الغبن أن يطوّق جيدا
معرقا مثل جيده ساعداها
35. Have you seen a gazelle fall for an eagle
And heard its cooing?
٣٥. هل رأيتم ورقاء هامت بنسر
وسمعتم بوكره نجواها
36. Or seen a gazelle love, o people,
A wolf and place her hands around its neck?
٣٦. أو رأيتم غزالة عشقت يا
قوم ذئبا وطوّقته يداها
37. Take the old man, o God, as a bier
From the ribs of his descendants for her youth
٣٧. هيّا الشيخ يا إلهي نعشا
من حنايا ضلوعه لصباها
38. Then the old man will weave shrouds
From his beard for her wedding
٣٨. ثم راح العجوز ينسج أكفان
ثريا من لحية أرخاها
39. And from his bosom he will prepare
A grave for her - this is what her parents chose
٣٩. ومن أحضانه أعدّ لها قب
راً وهذا ما اختاره أبواها
40. Lord, have mercy on the girl and be gentle
She has borne enough - it is enough
٤٠. ربّ رحماك بالفتاة ورفقا
فكفاها ما حمّلاها كفاها
41. Humiliation wasted her body though she was
In the prime of youth and did not fulfill her wishes
٤١. أنهك الذلّ جسمها وهي في مق
تبل العمر لم تحقّق مناها
42. She lost Khalid, her youth’s companion
And Khalid was who she loved with all her being
٤٢. خسرت خالدا رفيق صباها
وعلى نبذ خالد أكرهاها
43. He promised to marry her so none
Pleased her but him and she loved no one but him
٤٣. عاهدته على الزواج فلم تهو
سواه وما أحبّ سواها
44. Without him life had no joy and Khalid
Could not have lived without her
٤٤. هي لولاه لم يلذّ بها العيش وما
عاش خالد لولاها
45. Khalid - that kind noble-hearted lad
With sublime feelings who cannot forget her
٤٥. خالد ذلك الفتى الطيب القل
ب النبيل الشعور لا ينساها
46. How can he forget that girl who
Expressed her loyalty and fidelity so often?
٤٦. كيف ينسى تلك الفتاة التي كم
أعربت عن إخلاصها ووفاها
47. How can he forget that girl who saw
No one in this world but him?
٤٧. كيف ينسى تلك الفتاة التي لم
ير في هذه الدنيا إلّاها
48. How can he forget that girl who bid him
Farewell, weeping, and placed him in the innermost depths of her heart?
٤٨. كيف ينسى تلك التي ودّعته
ببكاها وأودعته حشاها
49. How can he forget that girl at the mention
Of whose name his tears flowed?
٤٩. كيف ينسى تلك التي يذرف الدم
ع إذا ما مرّت به ذكراها
50. How can he forget that girl whose great
And sublime loyalty made him proud?
٥٠. كيف ينسى تلك التي كم وكم ضاهى
بإخلاصها العظيم وباهى
51. How can he forget that girl who would melt
Into his embraces complaining of her love?
٥١. كيف ينسى تلك التي تترامى
بين أحضانه وتشكو هواها
52. How can he forget that girl who - oh how many a time -
Quenched his burning thirst from her saliva?
٥٢. كيف ينسى تلك التي كم وكم بل
كم وروّى غليله من لماها
53. Only yesterday she was Gada, a heart-rending
Beauty that filled the soul with bliss when seen
٥٣. هيَ بالأمس غادةٌ ذات دلّ
يملأ النفس غبطة مرآها
54. Only yesterday she was a rose that revived spirits
Or, rather, intoxicated hearts with her fragrance
٥٤. هي بالأمس وردةٌ تنعش الأرواح
بل يسكر القلوب شذاها
55. Only yesterday she was a doll that inspired faith
In the heart - glorified is He who created her
٥٥. هي بالأمس دمية تبعث الإيمان
بالقلب جلّ من سوّاها
56. Today she is a skeleton of bones
May God destroy her mother and her father!
٥٦. وهي اليوم هيكل من عظام
قاتل اللَه أمّها وآباها
57. Dawn rose and we parted and I could not
Carry her feet
٥٧. طلع الفجر وافترقنا ولم أد
ر أتسطيع حملها قدماها
58. She forced me to stay behind her
Yes, by my Lord, and left me behind her
٥٨. أرغمتني على التخلف عنها
إي وربّي وخلّفتني وراها
59. By my father, Gada walks here and there by
That shore, dragging her feet
٥٩. بأبي غادة تسير الهوينا
حول ذاك الشاطي تجرّ رداها
60. And by my mother, an innocent girl who smashed ribs
In the prime of youth with all its force
٦٠. وبأمّي عذراء حطّمت الأوصاب
في ميعة الشباب قواها
61. And by my soul, Haifa, she staggers, losing her way
Not because she is lost but because she has lost all her strength
٦١. وبروحي هيفاء تهتزّ لا تيها
ولكن من فرط ما قد عراها
62. She stumbles over boulders until, when the girl’s
Determination crumbled, she dropped her staff
٦٢. تتخطّى الصخور حتى إذا ما
خار عزم الفتاة ألقت عصاها
63. She stood by that rock like a statue
Which swayed from her weeping
٦٣. وقفت حول ذلك الصخر كالتمثال
فاهتزّ هزّة من بكاها
64. Her soul was thirsty but found no cup
Other than the cup of misery to wet her throat
٦٤. ظمئت روحها ولم تر كأسا
غير كاس الردى تبلّ صداها
65. Her soul settled on an idea that passed
Through her mind though it pained her
٦٥. سكنت روحها إلى خاطر مرّ
بها رغم أنّه أدماها
66. Then she cried out, “Here I am!” and the slumbering
Sea - I wonder who called her
٦٦. ثمّ صاحت لبّيك والبحر ساجٍ
ليت شعري من الذي ناداها
67. Did misery call her so she responded?
Or did it call her - I wish it had not called her!
٦٧. أدعاها الردى فلبّت نداه
أم دعته يا ليته ما دعاها
68. She lifted her face and called, “My God!
The innocent girl is calling you so answer her call!
٦٨. رفعت وجهها ونادت إلهي
قد دعتك العذراء فاقبل دعاها
69. She saw living in your presence as tranquility
So make eternity, O God, her dwelling!”
٦٩. رأت العيش في جوارك أمنا
فاجعل الخلد يا إلهي قراها
70. She tasted the cup which was bitter saber
So do not blame her - how many who loved her tasted it!
٧٠. حست الكاس وهي صاب مرير
لا تلمها فكم محبّ حساها
71. Come, o altar of passion, here is the soul
So take it from a wretch who guided her to you
٧١. إيه يا مذبح الهوى ها هي الرو
ح فخذها من بائس أهداها
72. Farewell, o question of my heart, farewell
From a girl whom you did not quench when thirsty
٧٢. ووداعا يا سؤل قلبي وداعا
من فتاة لم ترو منك ظماها
73. From a girl who sacrificed her soul for you
So keep your promise to her and await her
٧٣. من فتاة فدتك بالروح فاحفظ
عهدها وانتظر فسوف تراها
74. She cast a glance at the sea which understood alone The meaning of her love’s madness
She followed it with a shriek which the horizon
٧٤. أرسلت نظرة إلى البحر لم يعرف
سوى البحر ويحه مغزاها
75. Echoed when silence prevailed
She disheveled her hair so the morning
٧٥. أعقبتها بصرخة ردّد الأفق
وقد خيّم السكون صداها
76. Breeze toyed with it, kissed her mouth
And carried it to her youth’s companion
٧٦. نكثَت شعرها فراح نسيم
الفجر يلهو به ويلثم فاها
77. If only she had heard its melody before!
She covered her face with both hands
٧٧. حملته إلى رفيق صباها
قبلاً لو سمعت موسيقاها
78. Not from death when it came upon her
But from the sun, her sister, when it rose
٧٨. حجبت وجهها بكلتا يديها
لا عن الموت حينما وافاها
79. For if the sun had seen her face it would have fallen from the sky
The sea and beach cried
٧٩. بل عن الشمس أختها إذ أطلّت
لو رأت وجهها هوت من سماها
80. For the wealthy girl and embraced her
O wealthy girl, they ended you - poor thing!
٨٠. فتح البحر والشوطيء باك
لثريّا أحضانه فاحتواها
81. O wealthy girl, alas for your youth!
Forgive, O Lord, the wealthy girl for this
٨١. يا ثريا قضوا عليك فواها
يا ثريا على شبابك واها
82. Is not what her hands reaped but what was reaped for them
Her father and mother and husband killed her
٨٢. أعف يا ربّ عن ثريّا فهذا
ما جنوه لا ما جنته يداها
83. Ah, if only they had died in her stead!
Lord, have mercy on the lover if he returns
٨٣. قتلوها أب وأمّ وزوج
آه لو مات هؤلاء فداها
84. And longing heals him so he can see her
How many girls, O Lord, whom beauty
٨٤. ربّ رحماك بالحبيب إذا ما
عاد والشوق شفّه للقاها
85. Blessed but for her beauty brought misery!
٨٥. كم فتاة ربّ اسعدها
الحسن وهذي جمالها أشقاها