
It is enough for the beauties that they

حسب الغواني أنهنه

1. It is enough for the beauties that they
Have broken my heart, it is enough for them

١. حسب الغواني أنهنّه
حطّمن قلبي حسبهنّه

2. And misfortune appeared in love
When their good fortune shone

٢. وبدا نحوس في الهوى
لمّا تألّق سعدُهُنّه

3. So they possessed my feelings about me
And my heart revolved around them

٣. فملكن إحساسي عليّ
فطاف قلبي حولهنّه

4. Friends who do not heal the echo
Except the union, O their night

٤. صديان لا يشفي صدا
ه سوى اللمى يا ليلتهُنّه

5. Tell the aloof sick women
Take it easy, take it easy

٥. قل للمريضات الجفو
ن رويدكنّ رويدكُنّه

6. God in the mahj of evidence
O virgins, your love

٦. اللَهَ في مهج برا
ها يا عذارى حبُّكُنّه

7. God gave you, so the life
And its adornment for you

٧. اللَهُ أعطاكنّ فالدن
يا وزينتُها لكنّه

8. Be gentle with the hearts of the youth
For their aloofness has wounded them

٨. رفقاً بأفئدة الشبا
بِ فقد شجاها صدّكنّه

9. They wavered as the moth wavered
Over the apple of their cheeks

٩. حامت كما حام الفرا
شُ على شقيق خدودكُنّه

10. When their flock appeared
My heart hunted their flock

١٠. لمّا تبدى سربها
نّ اصطاد قلبي سربُهُنّه

11. I do not know, and my passion for
My nights, are they among them

١١. لم أدر وا لهفي على
ليلايَ هل هيَ بينُهنّه

12. So I forgot my God, how not
And I prostrated in veneration for them

١٢. فنسيت ربّي كيف لا
وسجدت إجلالاً لهنّه

13. And the sandy beach was
Cheering with joy for them

١٣. والشاطىءُ الرملي ص
فّق هاتفا فرحا بهنّه

14. And the wave flirted when
It hugged their buttocks

١٤. والموج داعب حينَما
عانقنَهُ أردافهنّه

15. I wish they knew me
O friend, when I flirted with them

١٥. يا ليتَهُنّ عرفنني
يا صاح إذ غازَلتُهنّه

16. What is wrong with them that they fled from me
When I revealed them

١٦. ما خطبهنّ نفرن من
ي حينما كاشفتُهُنّه

17. Or did they not know that I have
A heart that sanctifies their purity

١٧. أو ما علمنَ بأنّ لي
قلباً يقدّس طهرهنّه