
The pot boils in the furnace of the steamer

صديان يغلي في حشاه المرجل

1. The pot boils in the furnace of the steamer
The south mourns for it and the north yearns

١. صديان يغلي في حشاه المرجل
ترثي الجنوب له وتحنو الشمأل

2. Alas, the birds cannot distract him with their chirping
And its bitterness wets the dripping honeycomb

٢. هيهات تلهيه الطيور بشدوها
ويبلّ غلّته الرحيق السلسل

3. Like the son of Milaah, his resolve does not waver
He always longs and asks about Layla

٣. كابن الملوح لا يفرّ قراره
أبدا إلى ليلى يحنّ ويسال

4. O you who blame him, you have watered the saplings of grief
Stop, when the tender branches have become rough

٤. يا لائمه سقيتم صاب الأسى
كفّوا متى بلّ الأوام الحنظل

5. How much Himaan remembered zeal and established it
And made it dwell, and infatuated love made it settle

٥. هيمان كم ذكر الحمى وأقامه
وله وأقعده الهوى المتغلغل

6. And his eyes brimmed with tears, or nearly
For a love that brings joy to souls and completes them

٦. وأغرورقت عيناه أو كادت فيا
لهوّى تطيب به النفوس وتكمل

7. And gives generously, and curse the one
Who does not give the precious and the exquisite and is stingy

٧. وتجود بالغالي وسحقا لامرىء
لا يبذل الغالي النفيس ويبخل

8. For the sake of his homeland and love of his country
This one has not lived a wasted life

٨. بسبيل موطنيه وحبّ بلاده
هذا ولا عاش الخؤون المبطل

9. Yearning, here he is while darkness descends
Yearning in its wings, complaining

٩. لهفان ها هو والظلام مخيّم
متلهّف في جنحه متعلّل

10. Thirsty, and memories are whispering calls
That stir his affectionate heart and draw from it

١٠. متعطش والذكريات هواتفٌ
تهفو بخافقه الحنون وتنهل

11. Dreams flutter over his eyelids
Like magic, and passionate love protects them

١١. وتعربد الأحلام فوق جفونه
سحرا ويقيها الهوى المسترسل

12. He dreams and sends the breeze as his messenger
With a kiss, he almost melts into it

١٢. يصبو ويبعث والنسيم رسوله
قبلا يكاد يذوب فيها المرسل

13. Of theaters, playgrounds, meadows
And watering places where the perfect ones gathered

١٣. لمسارح وملاعب ومراتع
ومرابع فيها البدور الكمّل

14. Visions have swirled and embraced their ghosts
And descended upon him in the valley of al-Karaa

١٤. شطّت وعانقت الرؤى أطيافها
وعليه في وادي الكرى تتنزّل

15. And passion has stamped his mind
With images, so let him stay engrossed imagining

١٥. ولهان قد طبع الحنين بذهنه
صورا فدعه غارقا يتخيّل

16. Winged images with the feathers of his imagination
That seduce, ponder in the imagination, and accept

١٦. صورا مجنّحة بريشة وهمه
تغري وتدبر في الخيال وتقبل

17. From them flashed sweet memories
White, which he tells as stories that lead

١٧. منها أطلّت ذكريات حلوة
بيض يقصّ روّاه وهي تؤول

18. Hopes surrounded it with intoxication and wishes
And drew near, so he almost embraced and kissed

١٨. حفّت بها الآمال سكرى والمنى
ودنت فكاد يضمّها فتقبّل

19. And there his playground, and this is the house
And here are loved ones who said farewell, here

١٩. فهنا الطفولة والصبا وهنا الهوى
وهناك ملعبه وهذا المنزل

20. He left, and went away singing their beauty
Delighted, when he listens with the ear of his imagination

٢٠. وهنا الأحبّة ودّعوه ها هنا
ومضى وراح بحسنها يتغزّل

21. And illusion dictates, and affection records
And fervor shakes in the depths of his soul

٢١. نشوان إذا أصغى بأذن خياله
والوهم يملى والوداد يسجّل

22. And longing plays music, and the heart sings along
So he plucked a flute for it and a poet sang

٢٢. والوجد يرفض في قرارة روحه
والشوق يعزف والفؤاد يرتل

23. And leaves rustled, and a stream babbled
A mother wondered and remembered, and a father prayed

٢٣. فشدا له ناي وغنى شاعر
وترنّمت ورق ورجّع جدول

24. And a soul brother wished well, and a gathering affirmed
A sister asked, and a young girl called

٢٤. وتساءلت أمّ وذكر والد
ودعا أخو روح وأمّن محفل

25. And all of them, he is a part of their beauty
A world of illusions he was briefly lost in

٢٥. واستفرت أخت ونادت طفلة
والكل منهم شقة ما يجمل

26. And returned, his heart fluttering
Hopeful, unaware of an entrance

٢٦. دنيا من الأوهام غاب سويعة
فيها وعاد وقلبه يتململ

27. To his heart, but he is valiant so he enters
He defeated doubts with his resolve and certainty

٢٧. متفائل لا البأس يعرف مدخلا
لفؤاده وهو الشجيّ فيدخل

28. And the whispers that burn and kill
So listen, O you who praise a homeland

٢٨. صرع الشكوكَ بحزمه ويقينه
ومن الوساوس ما يحرّ ويقتل

29. In his wings it has the highest place
My homeland, I would sacrifice life and blood for you, be safe and good

٢٩. فاسمعه يا هذا يحيّى موطنا
في جانحيه له المقام الأوّل

30. For the doves of nearby peace will soon alight
And glory in your name, O sanctified land

٣٠. وطني فديتك عش ودم واسلم وطب
فحمائم السلم القريب ستهدل

31. And pride shouts and time rejoices

٣١. والمجد باسمك يا ربوع مسبّح
والفخر يهتف والزمان يهلل