
Cry with yearning, with sorrow, O neighbor,

بك بالشوق بالضنى يا جاره

1. Cry with yearning, with sorrow, O neighbor,
Help me with a glass and a cigarette,

١. بكِ بالشوقِ بالضنى يا جاره
اسعِفيني بالكأسِ والسيجارَه

2. O daughter of the neighbor, dawn has inflamed my heart,
And troubled my thoughts, and bitterness stung,

٢. يا ابنةَ الجارِ أرمَضَ الصحوُ قلبي
وشجا خاطري وشَقَّ المرارَه

3. Bring me out from darkness into light,
It is a duty that a neighbor aids a neighbor,

٣. اخرِجيني من الظلامِ إلى النور
وفرضٌ أن يُسعِفُ الجارُ جارَه

4. O bride of dreams, for God's sake, bring me
Take this and let's undo this virginity,

٤. يا عروسَ الأحلامِ باللَهِ هاتي
وخُذي ولنَفُضُّ هذي البكارَه

5. Light that fire sometimes and drink from
The wine of the Tigris, bring it sometimes,

٥. أشعِلي تلكَ تارةً واترعي من
خمرةِ الرافدين هاتيكَ تارَه

6. And let me between my cigarette and glass
Cry for youth and take revenge on it,

٦. ودعيني ما بينَ سيجارتي والكاس
أبكي الصبا وآخذُ ثارَه

7. Ease the blame or close the door, stand
And be reassured, for the sheikh left his abode,

٧. خفّفي العتبَ أوصدي البابَ قومي
واطمئنّي فالشيخُ غادرَ دارَه

8. I don't fear for you from your wicked mother
For how much she welcomed this visit!

٨. لستُ أخشى عليكِ من أمّكِ السوء
فكم رحّبَت بهذي الزيارَه

9. O daughter of the sheikh, O wish of the soul, O
Basil of the living, passion lit its fire,

٩. يا ابنةَ الشيخِ يا مُنى النفسِ يا
ريحانَةَ الحيّ أوقدَ الشوقُ نارَه

10. Quench my anguish, for between my ribs
A throbbing heart whose echo no stones deter,

١٠. إنقَعي غُلّتي فبَينَ ضُلوعي
خافِقٌ شفَّهُ الصدى لا حِجارَه

11. Put your mouth, my lady, on my mouth
And bring it ardently with fervor,

١١. واخرُجي بي من عالمِ الإفكِ والبُه
تانِ والبَغيِ والخَنا والدَعارَه

12. Give it to me on our cheeks, for dusk has
Lowered its curtains,

١٢. لسَماءِ الروى وشتّى الأماني
فبَناتُ القَريضِ رهنُ الإشارَه

13. And melt all that rages in my chest
Of feelings whose rights were usurped, their effects,

١٣. حيثُ يحلو الهوى ويَسكُب فجرُ
الحبِّ في كلِّ خافقٍ أنوارَه

14. O neighbor's daughter, O wish of the soul, don't
Worry if the slanderer stirred up his dust,

١٤. عانِقيني وأطفئي غُلَّةَ الروح
فجِسمي براهُ ما ف القَرارَه

15. My heart melted, O mistress of beauty, take it
And examine its secrets,

١٥. وضعي ثغرَكِ الشنيبَ على
ثغري وهاتي صهباءَهُ بحرارَه

16. My lady, by God, forgive me if I started
To complain to you of the chaos of governance,

١٦. اسقنيها على وجيبِ فؤادَينا فقد
أسدَلَ الدجى أَستارَه

17. Ask the Living One, may I not lose you, about a slave
Whose freedoms were stifled when they persecuted the free,

١٧. واصهَري كلّ ما يجيشُ بصَدري
من شعورٍ هضمُ الحقوق أثارَه

18. Ask Him about the poor man whom God has
And how he complained night after night of his loss,

١٨. يا ابنةَ الجارِ يا مُنى النفسِ لا تَ
أسَي إذا ما الواشي أثارَ غُبارَه

19. The vipers in his horizon spew poison
And the hissing has muted its mockery,

١٩. ذابَ قلبي أو كادَ يا ربَّةَ الحُ
سنِ خُذيهِ واستَطلِعي أسرارَه

20. How many angels became devils by morning
Accursed, since their thoughts were poisoned!

٢٠. يا فتاتي باللَهِ عفواً إذا ما رحتُ
أشكو إليكِ فوضى الإدارَه

21. Where are his moons? My soul yearns
Time has hidden them and erased his moons,

٢١. سائلي الحيَّ لا عدِمتُكِ عن عَبدا
نهِ حينَ ضايقوا احرارَه

22. Where are his cups? My fervid heart
How they laughed in their revelries!

٢٢. سائليهِ عن الفقير لهُ اللَهُ
وكم باتَ يشتكي تُجّارَه

23. Where are his singers, his boon companions
And maids - how they danced their dances!

٢٣. الأفاعي في أفقهِ تنفثُ السُمَّ
وقد أخرسَ الفحيحُ هزارَه

24. Ask Him and tell the poet who complained
About it and record his protest,

٢٤. كم ملاكٍ أمسى فأصبح شيطاناً
رجيماً مُذ سمَّمَت أفكارَه

25. And send up his complaints to God here
And publicize them - do not conceal his news,

٢٥. أينَ منهُ أقمارهُ لهفَ نفسي
غَيَّبَ الدهرُ ويحَهُ أقمارَه

26. My lady, may God have mercy on you, the abode has been determined,
The prisoner of sorrow, so free his shackles,

٢٦. أينَ منهُ الكؤوسُ واحرَّ قلبي
الحُمَيّا كم ضاحكَت أسحارَه

27. How can I sing when circumstances broke my lute
And calamity cut its strings?

٢٧. أينَ منهُ سمّارُهُ والندامى
والدراري كم راقَصَت أسمارَه

28. The winds of deprivation blew over the land of my youth
And bid farewell to its flowers,

٢٨. سائِليهِ وحدّثي الشاعر المن
كودَ عنهُ وَسَجّلي استِنكارَه

29. And autumn of life silenced the songbirds
When their yearning cried out to me,

٢٩. وارفَعي شكواهُ إلى اللَهِ وهناً
وأذيعي لا تكتُمي أخبارَه

30. The strings' echo is but the reverberation
Of my heart's tolling and the guitar's wailing,

٣٠. يا فَتاتي رُحماكِ قد يَمَّمَ الدارَ
أسيرُ الأسى فحلّي إسارَه

31. And my poem is the remainder of a heart that anguish
Has squeezed, so it is its extract,

٣١. كيفَ أشدو والوضعُ حطّمَ عودي
والأراجيفُ قطَّعَت أوتارَه

32. My lady, may God have mercy on you, the abode has been determined,
The prisoner of sorrow, so free his shackles,

٣٢. ورياحُ الحِرمانِ هبَّت على رَو
ضِ شبابي وصوّحَت أزهارَه

33. How his soul pined for you though it was
His passion that brought it, not himself, the rebel!

٣٣. وخريفُ الحياةِ أخرَسَ لمّا
صرَخَت بي شجونُه أطيارَه

34. His dark night is long, and the bitter vigil
Has turned his day into night,

٣٤. ما رَنينُ الأوتارِ إلّا صدى
إرنانِ قلبي وأنَّةِ القيثارَه

35. So leave him until dawn, vanquished,
And when he awakes, cure his hangover,

٣٥. وقصيدي بقيّةٌ من فُؤادٍ
عَصَرَتهُ الآلامُ فهوَ عُصارَه

36. We never gained, O fate, but it's enough
For us if I pitied that loss,

٣٦. يا فتاتي رحماكِ قد يمَّمَ الدارَ
أسيرُ الأسى فحلّي إسارَه