1. We brought the horses with humps on their backs
You can see them flying to the generous caller
١. نَحنُ جَلَبنا الخَيلَ قُبّاً بُطونُها
تَراها إِلى الداعي المُثَوِّبِ جُنَّحا
2. With every Khuza'i when war takes off its dress
He wraps himself in it and puts on his armor
٢. بِكُلِّ خُزاعِيٍّ إِذا الحَربُ شَمَّرَت
تَسَربَلَ فيها بُردَهُ وَتَوَشَّحا
3. We rattled the armor in battle one evening
But they could not find a wide plain in which to take cover
٣. قَرَعنا قُشَيراً في المَحَلِّ عَشِيَّةً
فَلَم يَجِدوا في واسِعِ الأَرضِ مَسرَحا
4. We killed Abu Zayd and Zayd and 'Amir
And we aimed at 'Urwa and hit him with a piercing blow
٤. قَتَلنا أَبا زَيدٍ وَزَيداً وَعامِراً
وَعُروَةَ أَقصَدنا بِها وَمُرَوَّحا
5. We drove off the people's camels and their women
Who weep for a prisoner injured or captive taken away
٥. وَأُبنا بِإِبلِ القَومِ تُحدى وَنِسوَةٍ
يُبَكِّينَ شِلواً أَو أَسيراً مُجَرَّحا
6. The next morning we watered their land with their blood
And we drove off camels that yesterday were marked
٦. غَداةَ سَقَينا أَرضَهم مِن دِمائِهِم
وَأُبنا بِأُدمٍ كُنَّ بِالأَمسِ وُضَّحا
7. Before that we herded dogs with a night raid
So we dragged them wounded in the blessed ruins
٧. وَرُعنا كِلاباً قَبلَ ذاكَ بِغارَةٍ
فَسُقنا جِلاداً في المُبارَكِ قُرَّحا
8. The shelters of Bekr bin 'Amir certainly knew
That we repel the attacker who stirs restlessly
٨. لَقَد عَلِمَت أَفناءُ بَكرِ بنِ عامِرٍ
بِأَنّا نَذودُ الكاشِحَ المُتَزَحزِحا
9. That without any dowry but white camels and spears
We win the shelters of the tribes in marriage
٩. وَأَنّا بِلا مَهرٍ سِوى البيضِ وَالقَنا
نُصيبُ بِأَفناءِ القَبائِلِ مَنكَحا