1. You have made your decision about Qasimah, so go
And avoid her, I wish you had not avoided
١. قَضَيتَ القَضاءَ مِن قَسيمَةِ فَاِذهَبِ
وَجانَبتَها يا لَيتَ أَن لَم تَجَنَّبِ
2. And followed it with estrangement and your lips from her
Are loosed, the belts of a folk in wretched Khyber
٢. وَأَعقَبتَها هَجراً وَشَفَّكَ دونَها
مَناطِقُ رَهطٍ في قَسيمَةِ خُيَّبِ
3. When they adjure me about Qasimah I incline
My hands to the insides of the fully-lined quiver
٣. إِذا اِستَحلَفوني في قَسيمَةَ اِجنَحَت
يَدايَ إِلى جَوفِ الرِتاجِ المُضَبَّبِ
4. By the Lord of the girls dancing in the evening
Or else straps passing over rough coarse cloth
٤. يَميناً بِرَبِّ الرَاقِصاتِ عَشِيَّةً
وَإِلّا فَأَنصابٍ يَمُرنَ بِغَبغَبِ
5. Woe betide her for whom she will be a bedfellow
When the Pleiades shook and every star quivered
٥. فَوَيلٌ بِها لِمَن تَكونُ ضَجيعَةً
إِذا ما الثُرَيّا ذَبذَبَت كُلَّ كَوكَبِ
6. When the onslaught of dew is intense, it falls
Languid like the back of the fully clad locust
٦. إِذا اِشتَدَّ إِرهامُ النَدى فَهوَ ساقِطٌ
خَضولٌ كَظَهرِ البُرجُدِ المُتَصَبِّبِ
7. A white camel giving you noble traits
On a litter, shying in her breast and startled
٧. مُبَتَّلَةٌ بَيضاءُ تُؤتيكَ شيمَةً
عَلى حَصَرٍ في صَدرِها وَتَهَيُّبِ